A Code Adam Story
In the beginning God created a sub-division ofHigher Life Forms known only as The Rock God's.In the not-so-beginning God said, "Let there bePaul" and there was Paul. One lonely day whileplaying video games in his room the Rock Godsjumped out of Paul's TV and said, "You have beenchosen!" Paul was shocked, he looked down at thebeer he had been drinking and back at the RockGods!"Chosen?" Asked Paul
"Yes" said the Rock God's. "Chosen tofight!"
"Fight what?" Paul asked with Anticipation thatcould challenge a fat kid in a long line at hisfavorite candy store!
"You are to fight the Evils of watered downmusic, bad lyrics, and bitter beer! Yourmission, if you choose to accept it, is togather a band of musicians, make a CD, andRock!"
The Rock Gods awaited an answer ...
"Um, Alright ..."
Eventually after a rigorous search ... Code Adamwas formed. To this day Code Adam is stillfighting for everyone's right to rock! Keep aneye out, they just might end up in yourtown!
Special Thanks
Thanks to all the fans for heading out to all of our shows, purchasing albums and supporting us ... we are seriously nothing without you guys. Thanks to all our buds in bands for all the beer we've shared either on tour or here in Ashevegas! And thanks to the haters! We love you too!All songs written by: Code Adam
Debut Album "Pornication America" Produced by: AdamGreenburg
Co-Produced by: Paul Golden
Recorded @ White Water Recording Studios
"The Christmas Song (Acoustic)" Produced by: Billy Seals
Co-Produced by: Paul Golden
"Merry F@$ing Christmas" Produced by: Billy Seals
Co-Produced by: Paul Golden
Recorded @ Def Ear Productions
The New EP "Fat & Busy" Is Under Construction!!!! Recording with Billy Seals at Deaf Ear Productions.
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