About Me
neither a poet nor a pusher... a pauper nor a prince...
neither a tyrant nor a slave....an angel nor a beast...
part time addict, full time insomiac...
never asleep, never fully awake.....
hates television, addicted to flicks....
an artist, cant barely draw...a musician, cant hardly play...
i love what i hate, i hate what i love...
seeing red, bruised, beaten black and blue all over....
aquarian, partly vegetarian, alcoholic...
boring, useless...totally insignificant...
uninspired and a slack......
a loner, a loser, achiever and a scum....
neither educated nor uncivilized...a drunk nor a wise man...
i believe in God and the devil...
chaos, destruction, anarchy and romance in the rain...
fell in love once...was brokenhearted the day after...
i dont curse and i dont care...
partly truth, partly fiction....
walking contradiction......need i say more????
My Blog
save the penguins |
I'm now on the second phase of my linux project. I scanned the modem using scanModem.gz and i was able to get the chipset information. I am now trying to get my modem to work. i ran some Linux command... Posted by jayson dysfunxion on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:09:00 PST |