Skiing, Cycling, Heineken, Red Bull, Rocky Mountain, Head, Oakley, Hot Chicks, more Heineken, hang'n on the lake, motorcycle racing, and so much more!
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We'd like to meet anyone really, but mostly you!
.. Music Video Codes - MySpace Codes - Funny Videos
Global Storming, Cranked present and past, Ski Movie, High Society, New World Disorder I-IX, Propaganda, Further, Anomoly, Faster, well anything from MSP, TGR or Freeride Entertainment. Any movie with Seth, Tanner, Shane, Wade, Richey, Vanderham,... Even a couple Warren Miller movies...
OLN, Speed Vision, and the Playboy channel
What if I Never Tried it By Valentino Rossi
First off our biggest heros are our Mom's! Then: Seth, Wade, Tanner, Shane, Richey, Vanderham, Rossi, Brain Lopes, Johnny Mosely, Watson, Bode, Lance, Dean Cummings, Wendy Fisher, Mike Douglas.