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About Me

I'm the head producer and partner at Sound Tomb Studio located in Oakland Ca. One of the homes of Christion and Mystery/Man. Sound Tomb is proud to announce the up coming release Album intitled (HipHop Jazz) by our own Mystery/Man.This Album holds many flavors of music and features guest Artist from the Bay Area and LA. Stay tune for up dates for Mystery/Man's project we're looking towards the Summer of 2007 for release, mean while there will be some samples of this album coming soon.The process has been a little slow but it's coming together. I just post some more pictures this morning of my boys from Christion who I've had the pleasure to work with in the past. I also will be posting their newest video which is already on myspace and yours truely is in the video too in the back groung playing Guitar. Please stay tune for up dates about Mystery/Man and more photo's, I'll be posting some more shots of myself too.What's up everyone we're in June,07 the MysteryMan project is closer 2 completion. We have some really great music coming soon, stay tune for more up dates.Angel, animal layout @ Unique MySpace Layouts - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools

My Blog

MysteryMans up date

Good morning 2 all it's been awhile we're getting closer 2 fininshing the MysteryMan project, we're presently on the last track now. Also the MysteryMan myspace/music site is slowly being put tog...
Posted by Angel on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:40:00 PST

MysteryMan’s up date

What's up everybody I just sent a bullentin about what's going down man I'm so excited hope everybody reads there bullentin because the MysteryMan project coming very close to being finished. I know w...
Posted by Angel on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 03:36:00 PST

Mystery/Man up Dates

Good Morning 2 every 1 we're coming closer 2 finishing the MysteryMan project we feel this music will have an affect on todays music World. We R very proud of what's coming out of the studio , the Mys...
Posted by Angel on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:22:00 PST

Angel's up dates

Good morning to all I just wanted to reach out to everyone I've posted some more pictures of my boys "Christion" performing in Oakland, which I've worked with in the past please look in my Profile for...
Posted by Angel on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:42:00 PST