I find the human mind to be very interesting. I am too often confused by the emotions today’s society freely expresses to the public through blogs and profiles such as this. The most private details displayed in public for all to see. However, we seem to despise the gossiper, so we eliminate them by cutting out the middle man, which in the end does us no good but airs our most intimate dirty laundry for all to see and after a post we regret it but there is a freedom as well because it is no longer a secret. If you would like to know the answer to living without this seemingly terrifying paradox, simply live a life you are happy with, and live it without shame. Simply put: Love and be Loved, Love and be Hated, but no matter what be a lover and love those who surround you.
My Great Grandfather
I work in music and let me say this. To anyone who thinks that music is LIFE, that you would DIE without music, or that music is your number one priority consider these: AIR, FOOD, and WATER! the first is a given but much of the world lacks the other two, so get over yourself and know that musc is a luxury.
My hero is the child that goes to school and gets picked on (but doesn't bring a gun), comes home to a single parent that isn't even that (but doesn't hate them), see their friends make horrible choices to escape pain and says no I am better than that (but listens and helps that friend). Finishes school, goes to college, meets their spouse, marries them... stays married to them! and raises another child that needs not suffer their parents pain as a child.That is my hero, THAT is progress.