Keebz profile picture


My life changes pretty fast so this is not easy!

About Me

What is there to say? I've been blessed with some amazing jobs that allow me to see the world, play music and get to know some of the most interesting people on the planet and for that I'm thankful. Perhaps I'll meet some more here as well. I'm a radio host in Nashville and a college student. I host local concerts in nashville and travel as a hip hop DJ for some groups. I own a few business ventures and produce some syndicated shows across this wonderful nation. I also house DJ on some television shows (I'll let you channel surf to find which ones) but more than anything I'm loveing LIFE. Wakeing up in the morning and know that when I go outside I can make a day good or bad brings a freedom and peace of mind in nature that surpasses any paycheck. So thats me in a nutshell, wanna know something just ASK.

My Interests

I find the human mind to be very interesting. I am too often confused by the emotions today’s society freely expresses to the public through blogs and profiles such as this. The most private details displayed in public for all to see. However, we seem to despise the gossiper, so we eliminate them by cutting out the middle man, which in the end does us no good but airs our most intimate dirty laundry for all to see and after a post we regret it but there is a freedom as well because it is no longer a secret. If you would like to know the answer to living without this seemingly terrifying paradox, simply live a life you are happy with, and live it without shame. Simply put: Love and be Loved, Love and be Hated, but no matter what be a lover and love those who surround you.

I'd like to meet:

My Great Grandfather


I work in music and let me say this. To anyone who thinks that music is LIFE, that you would DIE without music, or that music is your number one priority consider these: AIR, FOOD, and WATER! the first is a given but much of the world lacks the other two, so get over yourself and know that musc is a luxury.


My hero is the child that goes to school and gets picked on (but doesn't bring a gun), comes home to a single parent that isn't even that (but doesn't hate them), see their friends make horrible choices to escape pain and says no I am better than that (but listens and helps that friend). Finishes school, goes to college, meets their spouse, marries them... stays married to them! and raises another child that needs not suffer their parents pain as a child.That is my hero, THAT is progress.

My Blog

Update:...Praise God

Yet another letter from my mom, thank you for your prayers and praises to God for what he has done for our family... thank you all.-Lee While I was at the hospital waiting for my biopsy this morning t...
Posted by Keebz on Wed, 09 May 2007 03:51:00 PST

Mom Update: Please Continue to Pray

The following is another letter and update from my mom Cindy. Thank you again for your prayers,-LeeI am going to the hospital today for a CT biopsy. The doctor is confident that what he sees is just ...
Posted by Keebz on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:30:00 PST

Update again: Mom

The following are letters sent out from my mom. They are to everyone who is praying for her and us:Letter 1:I believe the Lord healed me of cancer. So if this is not cancer, what could it be? It cou...
Posted by Keebz on Sat, 05 May 2007 07:53:00 PST

Mom Update: Please Pray

This is an urgent letter from my mom:I have been having lower abdominal pain so my doctor sent me in for an ultra sound. The results show something. The doctor is sending me in for a CT scan and bi...
Posted by Keebz on Fri, 04 May 2007 12:29:00 PST

Update Mom: Healed Cancer and Prayer Request

This is a letter from my mom (Cindy) to everyone. Thank you so much for your prays and letters! I just received a call from my doctor.  Both the surgical oncologist and the chemotherapy oncologi...
Posted by Keebz on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:38:00 PST


i hope many of you have been reading this and i cant thank you all enough for your prayers. i know that i sent two posts yesterday, one about my mom going in for surgery and another about the story of...
Posted by Keebz on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:24:00 PST

Mom: Story

From my mother:"There is an incident in my cancer experience that I haven't shared with you, but I feel compelled to do so now. It is a rather long story to please bear with me. When I was in the hos...
Posted by Keebz on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:51:00 PST

Mom: Prayer Request

From my father:"Please don't forget to pray for Cindy and the surgeon before her operation on Tuesday at 3:00 pm Sarasota hospital. She will undergo surgery for the removal of the cancer and the rema...
Posted by Keebz on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:35:00 PST

Mom: Update praise and prayer

another update from my mom (Cindy) thank you all and please continue to pray!"Before I tell you what my doctor said to me I want to tell you what the Lord said to me first. Yesterday the Lord spoke to...
Posted by Keebz on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 09:25:00 PST

Mom Cancer Update, Prayer Request

This is a prayer request to everyone from my mother Cindy... thank you all for your prayers. Please after reading this jut take a minute, pause, and please pray for you. Thank you."Dear Friends and Fa...
Posted by Keebz on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:27:00 PST