Have any of you ever seen a circus monkey? You know the kinds that ask for money after the organ grinder does his business. Yeah i so totally love that monkey. And in the immortal words of a guy I met whilst I was urinating off of a bridge, "Don't piss into the wind man". I enjoy quick walks through the woods, usually because i'm being chased by bears.(I smell like honey you know.) And i love to live on the wild side,(the mild side doesn't have pretty curtains.) I guess you could say thats the long and the short of my interests, oh but wait there is more. I love immitating the sound of a wet fart against a rock, with my teeth and my mother. Its the best sound you will ever hear. Oh well, I love you party people. Try not to catch on fire to quickly.
every one
I dont listen to any music besides "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails.
Black Dirty Debutantes 42
That channel that my mom blocks.
Charles Atlas