The VICOH!!!!!! profile picture

The VICOH!!!!!!

About Me

G'Day people! Im Lee Vickers but you can call me The Vicoh!!!! Im a fun lovin' 22yr old who just wants to have a laugh! i dont take too much too seriously which if u know me you'l agree is probably a good job - cos im usually off my head! Ive got 2 loves in my life at the mo, 'The Bike' an 'The Bird', not sure in which particular order just yet cos my bikes just thrown me off so we've had a fall out! I like clubbin (the harder the better), followin Moto GP, n generally acting the goat with the lads, and lasses i knock about with, there actually a good set of people, you just have to persevere!!
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My Interests

Getting twatted! plus Moto GP, football and clubbin!!
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I'd like to meet:

the one and only Valentino Rossi (if God rides a bike then he's Alive!) and stand in the box with Tiesto!!! I'd say Christina Aguilera but better not cos might get carried away like these guys.............
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Anythin with a funky beat or fat baseline!! Go on Mario, sort her out!!!!
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Dumb n Dumber IS the best film ever made! other than that, not really a film person.......


like to have the time........


only ever read one book, Bravo Two Zero. It was alrite but obvoiusly not that good cos i havent read anythin since!


Valentino Rossi, VALE! VALE! VALE!