Chris profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I believe that The Godfather II is better than The Godfather splitting Aces and 8s betting on the "pass" line betting on the "don't pass" line ...that sometimes you have to fold pocket Aces driving fast egg whites instead of real eggs ...that Red Vines are better than Twizzlers ...that Coke tastes better than Pepsi a dry Martini a dirty Martini ...that I would have been the coolest Tour Guide at Mike's Bike Tours Barcelona if I decided to live there back in 2001 ...that the Trigonometry I learned in high school has no use in my life today renting from Netflix instead of Blockbuster ...that everything I learned about dating I learned from Threes Company Snowboarding instead of Skiing a bloody steak onion rings ...that I can speak several languages when I drink ...that you always want what you can't have ...that you shouldn't confess your feelings to someone via email ...that the Ford Taurus has the worst turning radius ever ...that the 85 Chicago Bears was the best football team ever midgets flip-flops ...that you're no less of a man if you write a poem for someone on their birthday, not that it ever happened ...that it's ok to smoke when you're drinking ...that Kelly Kapowski was hotter than Jessie Spanno the Force Ninjas ...that Airplane is one of the funniest movies ever using chopsticks crashing weddings over tipping eating Pizza with Ranch dressing using coasters ...that coffee is one of the major food groups ...that the quality of a Mexican restaurant is dependent on their chips and salsa Widescreen instead of Fullscreen ...that people who still use AOL are old or mentally challenged ...that Girl Scouts must be putting crack in their Thin Mint cookies ...that the "comments" section should be left for comments only, not questions, or personal messages ...that's it's ok to leave without saying "bye" lunchboxes ...that Kellogg's should have never pulled Banana Flavored Frost Flakes from the market in the mid-80's ...that I'm the only Filipino you know that can sing George Strait songs walking fast ...that you're never too old to wear superhero t-shirts not sleeping in ...that you should never date someone who works in retail sushi mouthwash ...that I'm excluded from the residential speed limit on my street ...that T9Word is way easier, once you figure it out ...that Biraporetti's was the greatest bar connected to a shopping mall - ever ...that I have another 10 years before I fit in the age group of the patrons of the Quiet Woman in CDM ...that pizza from New York is overrated ...that there's nothing like a slice of Lavatina's pizza at 2AM ...that the skits on MAD TV run a little too long ...that I can hold a grudge for 10 to 13 years ...that you've never partied until you've partied and seen the sun rise in Ibiza ...that you should respect those "space-cakes" that they serve in the "coffee shops" in Amsterdam using "air-quotes" when talking to people not sugar-coating what you have to say ...that I suffer from a Super Hero complex ...and possibly a Ninja complex ...and thats all I have for now.

My Interests

Movies, Television, Bars and Clubs, Las Vegas, Snowboarding, Traveling, Learning languages half-assed, Comic books, Video games, Poker, Passing out on couches, Dispensing wit and sarcasm, and updating my Myspace profile occasionally to make it some what funny.


Anything and everything. Rock, Hip Hop, House, Trance, 80's, 90's, Karaoke, Country (sometimes), and the Jazz Flute.


Godfather I & II, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Office Space, Old School, Airplane, Footloose, Aspen Extreme, Back to the Future, Memento, Blade Runner, Casablanca, The Empire Strikes Back, The Shawshank Redemption, Forest Gump, Wedding Crashers, Anchorman, Garden State, Almost Famous, Gross Pointe Blank.


Lost, Scrubs, The Office, Entourage, Nip/Tuck, My Name is Earl, Sopranos, Simpsons, Family Guy, 24, World Poker Tour, Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, Attack of the Show, Battlestar Galactica, Arrested Development, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns.


Dune, Catch 22, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, Watchmen, Choke. Do comic books and graphic novels count?


Bruce Lee, Burt Reynolds, Sean Connery, Walter Payton, MacGyver, and Han Solo.