Missing The Point... |
I have had it, and cannot stand it anymore. And though I know this blog will not stop it and most likely there is nothing or nobody that can, I would hope this blog helps bring it to light a little mo... Posted by BLOODLINE on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST |
Writing Is More Than Just Words... |
A lot of people ask me so many questions about my blogs. How do I come up with the topics? Why do I write so much in the blogs? Why do I mainly write about personal topics? The questions go on and on.... Posted by BLOODLINE on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:02:00 PST |
In A Relationship... |
I am going to let you know right from the start, even though I rather write my own thoughts on a topic, I don't have much time latley to do so, so instead, while browsing the internet at work, I came ... Posted by BLOODLINE on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 03:56:00 PST |
On My Mind... |
This is basically just a blog where I clear my mind and let out the thoughts that are within it at the moment. I've been through a lot latley. Some ups, and some downs. Everyone that knows me, and kno... Posted by BLOODLINE on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 08:28:00 PST |
Words Of Advice... |
I would like to take a second to explain this blog. I am helping my girlfriend with a school assignment and this is what I wrote on/about the topic on moving into your first apartment and not living w... Posted by BLOODLINE on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:33:00 PST |
Is It Right Or Wrong? |
The other day at work, a good friend of mine and I were having a conversation and the topic about people being gay came up. My friend was telling me that it is wrong for people to be gay, while I chos... Posted by BLOODLINE on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:11:00 PST |
Who’s Problem Is It? |
Okay, so latley I have been finally getting over being annoyed about a certain topic until Sunday, all along this street in Florida called "University Drive" all I saw was people in front of every chu... Posted by BLOODLINE on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:58:00 PST |
Why Hide It? |
I ask myself this question a lot, why hide it, why try to pretend, why try to act, and yet I get different answers, and pretty much every one of them are pathetic. I'm talking about the topic of being... Posted by BLOODLINE on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:07:00 PST |
Who’s Listening? |
Now a days, you have to be careful what you say, how you say it, when you say it, why you say it, and who you say it to...Now, this isn't going to be one of those argument starters about turn the TV o... Posted by BLOODLINE on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 08:53:00 PST |
You Never Know... |
I tell you one thing, it feels good to be back. In the past 5 months, while I was gone, I could have probably wrote 10-20 blogs about my life, feelings, and thoughts. But no need to focus on the past,... Posted by BLOODLINE on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 04:41:00 PST |