Nicky Hilton
You are most like Nicky Hilton. Just like her, you try not to be on the spotlight all the time and keep your personal life on the down-low. Instead of parties, you prefer being in the office working for your own money
Billy Joel, obviously and Nicky Hilton cause i basically want to be her
Take the quiz: "Where is your ideal place to live?(pics)"
The Beach
You lucky person, you! Your ideal place to reside is the beach, where you can just chill. You like to party, but mostly with whatever people. You are more of a person who just rolls with the punches. That's a good thing in today's fast-pace, high-stress world. You have good friends and enjoy meeting the occasional new comer. Just be sure to keep an up-to-date calendar, so you can keep those appointments!
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
John M Alberga