Hope / SCA: Lady AySun profile picture

Hope / SCA: Lady AySun

I may be married but I'm not dead...

About Me

I'm 1st:

My sphere is Guardian (Person of great Love and Altruism), and my class is Arms Master (Pragmatic and Stout).

I am a Guard.

You are a true, versatile guard. You have a defensive nature, that is, you are good at instilling a sense of security in the places around you. A strong presence weakens any possible threats around you, and a swift, practical approach to the problems that crop up puts them down before they can get out of hand.

What kind of Warrior are you?


My sphere is Soldier (Unity in Strength and Action), and my class is Arms Master (Pragmatic and Stout).

I am a Fighter.

To carry the title of "Fighter" is to carry great strength, and courage. You are a very practical person. When life offers you a challenge, you meet it head on and plow straight through it, stopping only afterwards to worry about injury and stress. These challenges that you endure may leave scars, but they will also leave you with trusted friends, and will make you all the more determined for it.

What kind of Warrior are you?


My sphere is Knight (Know Loyalty and Respect), and my class is Arms Master (Pragmatic and Stout).

I am an Advisor.

Your great sense of ethics and honor, as well as your practical knowledge of the world, makes you an excellent advisor and confidant to the people who are respectful of your ways, and to whom you will show respect in return. Liu Bei, the well-meaning King of the ancient Shu kingdom in China, was not famous for his own accomplishments, but for the excellent quality of his generals, and the brilliance of his advisor of special repute, Zhuge Liang.

What kind of Warrior are you?


My sphere is Ronin (Look for great Ambition and Success), and my class is Arms Master (Pragmatic and Stout).

I am a Mercenary.

Great strength that stands alone. You're strong enough in solving problems that you'd loan your skills out -- for a price. To be a Mercenary isn't necessarily to be a literal Soldier of Fortune, but it does mean that you have great practical knowledge of the world, and great ambition. And by applying both, you will climb the ladder of Renown to great personal triumph and glory.

What kind of Warrior are you?

OK a bit about my self... Well.... Self, what will you be today? ^_^ The truth freaks people out more then a story. So here it goes. I'm OLD! I'm the old woman down the street that throws cats at everyone!! LOL No really I like to play games. I like to be mischievous, and evil at the same times. I try to play the responsible adult but when when it comes down to it, how the hell wants to be responsible? Lets see! I'm a Tom boy. No I'm not the boy name Tom. I can get brawl as much as a man can but I'll enjoy it!. I'm the kind that rather drink Rumple Minze Peppermint Schnapps then beer. I'd rather go out for pizza then a stuffy fancy company party. I play in the SCA for fun (SCA.org) Yes I'm one of them dancing fools that dance by the camp fire. But I have not cough my tassels on fire yet... yet. I am working on Illumination right now. As well as becoming more active in the Dojo that I've been in since I was 12 years old. I'm working with our grand master on weapons and becoming very conferable with every weapon in the dojo. So I'm at the point that I can start teaching others as soon as I get OK from grandmaster. Kata's and combat is second nature so I can basically teach anyone willing to learn. (http://www.rednationwarriors.com/)I've started a new job working IT stuff. I don't like to think of my self as a computer geek I'm just a normal person. Most of my blogs are about life right now. I married my best friend Chris and we now have 2 kids. We are all happy campers. Chris and I have our own kinky life but around the boys we are just immature parents. The kids will more then likely be ashamed to bring there girl friends home when they get older, but that works for me. So if they act up we'll just go to them! ^_^ When I'm board I tear things apart to see how they work. I draw, a lot. If I see it I an draw it. ^_^ Not much makes me blush anymore at this point. I ether laugh at it or throw money at it. I'm not easily surprised, so surprise me ^_^. If you ever get a call from me no its not a 12 year old kid calling I really sound like that...


My Interests

Art, SCA, Tattoos, Henna, Glass making, Tribal, Fantasy, Belly dancing, Making long jackets, Hiking in the desert, Hunting small game and large, isshin-ryu karate, full-contact martial arts, kickboxing, stick fighting, anime/manga, butterfly's, renaissance, Drumming, Embroidery, Fire, Fire dancing, sewing, tent making, Illumination, fishing, chemistry, Mythology, Egyptology, History, crystals, Shinny things, camping, fetish (submissive)
You scored as Tyr, You are Tyr! You are the God of bravery, honor, justice and battle! You lost your hand to a wolf so that you could keep the world safe. You are a great fighter and are very strong.












Which Norse God Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com

I'd like to meet:

Well people. Thats the point of a myspace page right? :::::::::::: Funny::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::A man was crossing a road one day when a small dragon called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the dragon, and put it in his pocket. The dragon spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will tell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero". The man took the dragon out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket.The dragon spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will be your loving companion for an entire week". The man took the dragon out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket.The dragon then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn be back into a princess, I'll stay with you for a year and do ANYTHING you want!" Again the man took the dragon out, smiled at it, and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the little dragon asked, "What's the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, that I'll stay with you for a year and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me? The man said, "Look, I'm a rennie. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking dragon is cool!"


Any music really. BUT rap. I can live with out the rap. Or the Spanish poka music. I can really live without that. But anything else that has a good beat


The only books I read are manuals for work, I look at sketch books for drawings, and porn. I read the articles ^_^ But I do read! Just can't stay that fo....... OH shinny!


VideoJug : How To Beat Your Children At Computer Gamesthe person that can finish this! ..The Impossible Quiz
Or can do thisJapanese Trained Goldfish

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My Blog

life, Blah

Tomorrow I"m flying solo at work.  This is it. I'm nervous but on the other hand its going to happen if I"m ready or not.  So I'm not going to freak out or anything.   Hell Frank got hi...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 12:10:00 PST

catch up

Well I"m sitting at 2:30.  My new shift will start at 10:00 pm and go till 8 am.  So I need to switch my days around.  I dont know about this.  The work is challenging but I'm hopi...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 02:56:00 PST

yes I dont have a shirt on and I dont care!

Yes I dont have a shirt on and I dont care!  Yes I'm tire.  When I got home I headed to the bed room I took off my Gi and top.  Then I relized that I left my PJ's out in the living room...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 08:53:00 PST

Another day passess by

ok the people I've talked to about the cats say it's completely normal for the cats to have 6 feet.  It just looks odd to me.  But apparently people would love to have one of the cats. ...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 09:47:00 PST

busy weekend

Man I'm tire.  I really like this new job.  Like really like it.  I think I found my dream job ^_^.  I fill a bit over welm at time but I think if I was a know it all I would not.&...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:37:00 PST

sleepy day

I had a full happy day today ^_^  General walk around but actoly started fixing alot of diffrent things.  And learning more on active desktop and other software.  I'm a happy camper jus...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 07:53:00 PST

Quicky Dojo

So its Tuesday.  Hunter stayed behind but Axie came with me to class.  We got there like 20 min till.  Then people started coming.  Small class.  Basically 10 people. All begi...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 06:58:00 PST

New JOB!! ^_^

WOO HOO!! I'm such a happy camper!!  I got a email stating that my attendence req for Monday morning's orentation.  So I start my new job on Monday morning ^_^  This week is so going to...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 01:17:00 PST

Hunter and Axie Vs Dojo

todays was Hunters first real day at the dojo.  I had Axie with me just in case we had a repeat of last time.  It started grate.  She did most of all the excersize, Hunter started. ...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 10:03:00 PST

odd dream

Well I had a odd dream.  Basicly 2 islands.  I lived on one.  The other island had a split population.  on the East end of the island was "the bad"  basicly.  A place you...
Posted by Hope / SCA: Lady AySun on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 12:35:00 PST