Cooking, CLEVELAND sports, Hip Hop that you aint gon' hear on the radio, smoked beers and beers of the world. I'm now a big fan of IPAs- HOPSLAM and 3 Floyds Dreadnaught, I like that Shiner Bock, Warsteiner, and Kronenburg 1664 son. I hate Blue Moon and the like, Catch me eatin' BBQ, hittin, Steak joints, sushi spots, Swensons, Henry Wahner's in Kent, and taking any challege when it comes to HOT food
Jerry Seinfeld, LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Brett Butler (the baseball player) Warren Moon, Jim Tressel, Larry David, Mike Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser, Canibus, The WU. Steve Rifkin, Seth McFarland, Bobby Flay.
Vinnie Scullo, Wu Tang Clan, Canibus, Brotha Lynch Hung, Lil Wayne, Blackalicious, M.O.P., Del, Freddie Foxx/Bumpy Knuckles, Chino XL, Pink Floyd, Modest Mouse, Phil Collins, Pharoahe Monch, King Ying, MadKing, DJ Cripple and Leo K3
Cable Guy, Devil's Advocate, Friday, KPAX, Office Space, Nightmare Before Christmas, American Psycho
The Office, Heroes, Family Guy, PTI, Sports Center, Food Network.The Thirsty Traveler,Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, cancelled shows like "Reunion" and "The Nine" stupid networks get me all into the show then pull it
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