I need to find my Soulmate... the one that is meant for me, love me and only me. Seeking the right gentlemen to sail dreams together...then why wait, i can't wait to hear from YOU.........Well to find a true LOVE it's not easy!!!
U must know what dose "LOVE" really mean N falling in love with that some1...!!!
To me:
Love is not just abt "SEX"..., it's more abt takeing care of some1 u love, communicate more with the 1 u love, so that he or she woun't feels out of "LOVE", Romance to me it is importan coz it last long..., i mean everything to and the feeling it's much better then haveing SEX... Well to love that some1 and beeing attch with that some1, i'll make sure he is not just "BEAUTIFUL" from the out side, from the insede too!!!Do u know what is LOVE...???
To me Love is just like a DReaM's that come's when u are a sleep and go when u wake up the next morning...!!! Well I dont like that kind of love....!Well every1 love to be LOVE by some1...!!! and need love...!!! Love can come's from any1..., But it's not the same as in, if it come's from Some1 special...!!!
But dose ppl know what is LOVE???So tell me something...: What do u know what LOVE mean???
: Are u ready if let say's 1day u like this some1 and are u ready to be attch???
: How serious are u getting urself to be attch with some1???
: Lat's say.., u in US (Florida) She's in Asian...!!! How are u going to work ur relationship with her???If u can answer me all this send me a message...!!!Pussycat Dolls & Snoop Dogg - Buttons
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