if i am not going to benefit from having you in my life i'll definitely let you know, so don't waste your time. if you can't keep up or you're stuck in the past then deuces to ya. note: i hate hoodrats just as much as i hate Bel-Air fukbags. A lot of people mistaken me for being much older-take the hint, i'm not trying to make friends with immature folks (I have a low tolerance for ignorance) or people lacking ambition. I like to surround myself with people who are both assertive and intelligent. My close nit of friends are mostly bitches and assholes. I call it tough love with a comical twist. My close friends are also my family and i would never put anyone before them...unless of course it's me because in the end it's all about me, right Dan? lol :p
I love most of it
UFC FIGHTING!!!, Will & Grace, Nip/Tuck, DH, Friends...
The Power of One...the classic novel of South Africa