Patrick [DF] profile picture

Patrick [DF]

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Im just your average dude. I love to chill with my buddies, shoot pool, and go to concerts.

You are Ash, from the "Evil Dead"
trilogy. My hero.

Which Horror Movie Character Are You? (Many Options)
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You are - Lestat! Your fun-loving and adventurous ways have gotten
you into more than a few mishaps. You can be
perceived as a pedantic person but these are
just your ways. You're extremly generous to
those you love, and are always ready to give
people second chances.

Which Anne Rice Vampire are you?
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Contact Tables @

My Interests

Music, movies, airsoft, and alot of other shit i cant think of right now.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who isnt a total douche...


AFI, Bad Religion, Anti-flag, Bleeding Through, Tenacious D, older Rancid, Tiger Army, The used, Thrice, Pennywise, Avenged Sevenfold, Queen, Zepelin, Metallica, The Muse, Franz Ferdinand, Story of the Year, Bush, Nirvana, Atreyu, and just good music over all.


Anything By Tarantino, The Matrix Trilogy, Fight Club, A Clock Work Orange, Interview with the Vampire, Just about everything by Kevin Smith, Dazed and Confused, Boondock Saints, Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Dawn of the Dead, The Punisher, Super Troopers, Sin City, Donnie Darko, X-men 1 & 2, Spider-man 1 & 2, Grandma's Boy, Wedding Crashers, 40 year old virgin, Swingers, The Big Lebowski, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Army of Darkness, Heat, and alot more i cant remember right now


The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, and Chappelles Show, Pretty much anything offensively funny


The Vampire Chronicles, Sin City, The Punisher, Earth X, Universe X, Paradise X, Kingdom Come, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, and The Lord of the Rings


Davey Havok, Greg Graffin, Frank Castle, and Dane Cook

My Blog


So some of you may know my buddy Spanish.  Chris and I have been chillin with him alot lately, and some of you know what that means.  Anyway he says some of the greatest things I have ever h...
Posted by Patrick [DF] on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:00:00 PST

lets see

1. who are you? 2. are we friends? 3. when and how did we meet? 4. do you have a crush on me? 5. would you kiss me? 6. give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. describe me in one wor...
Posted by Patrick [DF] on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 03:27:00 PST