About Me
the official dilana fanspace!
HELLO fellow Dilana fans! This fanspace has been created for ALL the people who have fallen in love with our favorite rocker chick, Dilana! The site will contantly be updated and "under contruction," so keep checking back...you never know who might stop by and share a few words!! So leave some love, gush about our girl, have fun, and keep supporting one hell of an amazing woman who never ceases to give her ALL to her fans! THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING, ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT, IT MEANS SO MUCH!! xoxo
what's going on?
10/25/07 -DILANA IS BACK (well...she never left, but you catch my drift...I hope)!!!
Here is a copy of the bulletin Dilana posted from her myspace today:
Tune into www.womenrockradio.com tonight at 10.30pm EST/or 7.30pm PST. It will be packed so if you can't get in its cuz the spots are all full, Charmaine will make sure and play it again. YOU RAWK WOMAN!!
Charmaine Brooks Host of 'Doing Time' on www.womenrockradio.com Every Wed @ 9pm EST
At 2am tomorrow I am doing a LIVE radio interview with BYLGJAN (9am in Is FRIDAY)! Ivar will be the 1st to play the single there! My favorite DJ in Iceland!!
TONIGHT is also Charmaine's interview with none other than MELISSA ETHRIDGE!!! So DO NOT miss out on this awesome night at womenrockradio.com!!!!
10/3/07 -Hellooooo!! Back for another quick little update/reminder in the land of Dilana. If you haven't made checking Dilana's personal myspace blogs a part of your routine myspace schedule yet, you totally should! Dilana personally updates her myspace blogs (at http://www.myspace.com/dilanarox) all the time! So if you want to keep updated on her crazy schedule and the latest on what's been going on with her, who better to read from than Dilana herself? Exactly!
Tomorrow, Dilana will be playing a 7-song set in NYC!!! For more information on when and where, check out the calendar on her personal myspace page (link same as above).
Also, if you have not done so already, visit Dilana's personal myspace page (again, link listed above) and join her mailing list. There is a link there on the top of her page. Be sure to have the street team box checked before you click to add yourself to the mailing list!
That's all for now! As always, let's try and get as many people to add this fanspace to help better spread the word of how rockin' our girl is! Thanks, everyone!
9/22/07 -Okay, so now for another one of my brief Dilana updates! Our girl has been working her butt off for her music, and it's definitely paying off. Toby Wright, a pruducer, will be working with Dilana in recording her new album starting THIS December! I know NONE of us can wait to here some new and rocking tunes!
On another note, Dilana is leaving for TX tomorrow (Monday) to play 2 acoustic shows with the Ice Man himself, Magni. After TX, Dilana will be going to play a showcase in NYC with an unknown band, AND after that, she will be traveling overseas to beautiful London, England with Jimmy Stewart (manager), where they will meet with record labels/people on the business end of the industry. Dilana will also be playing an acoustic set at the Troubadour in London! After all the craziness, Dilana will be back in Los Angeles on October 11th for a short breather before she heads off to Reno, NV to open for The Bangles (!!!!) on October 20th!!
PHEW! I'm worn out just typing her MINIMIZED schedule out! LOL!
For details on Dilana's upcoming shows, be sure to check out her personal calendar on her myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/dilanarox).
ALSO, if you guys are free tonight, be sure to stop by the official Dilana fan website (http://www.dilanaclan.com) and chat with a ton of other Dilana fans....Dilana tends to drop in unannounced quite often as well. The "official chat nights" are Sunday nights, Tuesday nights, and Friday nights at 7:00PM PST/10:00PM EST!
Don't miss out!! =]
9/13/07 -Well hello, everyone! I'm just updating on how amazing and rocking our girl Dilana is! Last night, Dilana opened for none other than one of her idols, Beth Hart, at the Roxy on Sunset Strip last night!! If she was nervous before heading out on stage like she said she was, there was NO telling! D owned that stage like you could not believe! And get this...it was her FIRST REAL SOLO GIG in Hollywood, CA....EVER! Audience members included people such as, GILBY CLARKE, RAFA (from RS:SN) , and ADRIAN YOUNG (drummer from No Doubt). Adrian Young also played a song with Dilana on stage, and let me tell you, having them up there together is SO captivating and powerful. Our girl, Miss Kim Chi, was also able to make it to the show and sang back-up vocals with the tamborine throughout the 7-song set. As I stated earlier in a bulletin, I was able to take a ton of pictures that I will, hopefully, soon be able to get them up and on this site for you guys to see! In the meantime, you should all click on the banners below and sign yourselves up for showing some Dilana love!
Alright, I think that's about it for now! Hope you are all getting ready for the upcoming Dilana shows! Check out her personal myspace page (http://www.myspace.com) for more information on her upcoming shows!!! Hope you all have an amazing and relxing rest of the week!!
8/6/07 -HOLA! Hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend! So, Dilana's BIG show in HOUSTON, TEXAS is coming up super fast. If you're in the area and have plans less exciting than experiencing a kickbutt ROCK show THIS WEEK on AUGUST 11TH...then you should pick youself up a ticket and have a jolly old time rocking out to our girl! For more information on the show, go to Dilana's personal myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/dilanarox).
In other news, for those of you who have not yet heard, Dilana's 35TH BIRTHDAY is THIS WEEK on AUGUST 10TH...the day BEFORE her BIG show in HOUSTON, TX!!! So be sure to drop her a line at her personal myspace page (same link as given ealier in this update), and wish her a wonderful birthday!!
I believe that is all for now, so keep checking back for more updates as they will be shown here as soon as they come in!! xoxo
7/29/07 - WHATS UP???? So Dilana has been basically EVERYWHERE writing with new people and making new friends. She has just recently spent a ton of time getting to be close pals with Johnny Colt (read Dilana's latest blog at http://www.myspace.com/dilanarox). She's got 10 NEW SONGS written, so keep checking back to hear more about that!
Dilana is playing in Monterey, CA tonight with the one and only AMAZING House Band from the Rockstar show on CBS. Also to perform on the same stage are: Storm, Jordis and Ty(from Rockstar:INXS), HHBC (DILANA IS NO LONGER PLAYING WITH THEM...again, refer to her latest blog entry), and many more. Sounds like it's going to be a blast and I can't wait to read reviews!
Dilana has also started a new SWEET looking sleeve which will be finished in the near future (refer back to her lasted blog for more on the tatoo, as well).
All in all, our rocker mama is super busy as usual doing what she does best, ROCKING.
Love to all!
6/28/07 - HEY EVERYONE. HUGE NEWS! Yesterday, Dilana posted a new blog titled "PASSIONS...n more!" If you have not yet had the chance to read the blog yet, you should DEFINITELY take a 5-minute break and applaud our rising star.
Here are two little snippets of what the blog is about:
NBC is going to be using Dilana's song "SuperSoul" in an episode airing July 18th...so EVERYONE needs to watch it!
AND last but not least...
THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE, BBHC's manager contacted Dilana and chances look pretty amazing of her playing a song or 2 with them on stage! YES!!
Okay, so that's all the news for now! But don't forget to go and read the entire blog for yourself and drop her a comment for her outstanding abilities, haha.
Catch ya'll later! xoxo
6/22/07 - SO SORRY, EVERYONE!!! I haven't been updating on here as much in the last month because I was finishing all I had left of high school and whatnot! I know it's no excuse for lagging on here, but I'm sorry all the same!
OKAY! So on to the MOST AMAZING NEWS!!! If you have not yet heard, Dilana has signed a contract with a publishing company!! Here is the first paragraph of the article:
Cherry Lane Music Publishing Company Inc., whose roster includes songwriters such as Quincy Jones, The Black Eyed Peas, and John Legend, has signed a worldwide, long term, co-publishing agreement with sensational rocker Dilana Robichaux, who is best known for her participation on the hit CBS reality-show Rock Star: Supernova.
If you would like to read the rest of the article, it's posted in Dilana's second to latest blog on her personal myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/dilanarox), titled "BILLBOARD BABY!!!"
Seriously though...how awesome is this??!!! Pretty friggin amazing if you ask me!! :]
IN OTHER NEWS: Dilana has extended her stay in FL until tomorrow because she has been on "a creative roll" working hard and playing a few local shows with her long-time friend from South Africa!
That is all for now! I hope you are all enjoying yourselves!! UNTIL NEXT TIME! xoxo
5/14/07 - HEY GUYS!! So this weekend, Dilana ROCKED in Hermosa!! I was fortunate enough to be able to go and see her Sunday night concert with Magni. Dilana announced that she will most likely begin doing her WORLD TOUR starting this August!! Her first stop is most likely going to be South Africa, Dilana's home country!! So keep checking back for more info on that!!
But back to the show! Let me tell ya'll...there ain't NOTHIN Dilana can't do!!
But don't take my word for it!! Thanks to a fellow fanspacer and amazing friend, metaphysics5, there are almost ALL the videos of Dilana's performances on youtube!!
Here's the direct link for your viewing pleasure!!
And to everyone who did not get a chance to catch Dilana's show this weekend live....ENJOY the videos!!
5/3/07 - This was copy and pasted from Dilana's blog she posted today:I am so, so sorry everyone!Things are just very different now just cos I was on a TV show - it sux! Of course it also has it's benefits but I'm used to just going to a club and playing cos I love it!The ACADIA bar folks were so accomodating and so awesome and we were all excited about the shows BUT....I "broke" the rules (again) and made the bookings without my management and screwed up everything lol! Needless to say, I'm not too loved on the business side of things...oops...I didn't think 2 small acoustic shows would interfere with a BIG full band gig in August at the Sam Houston Race track. All contracts for that show have been finalised and evidentally, it DID interfere. This is ALL my fault and I sincerely apologise to ALL of you, especially the people who were planning trips from even Sweden!PLEASE PLEASE come to the show in August! It'll be a blast AND of course, Magni and I WILL be playing at Acadia Bar, AFTER the race track event!!Sorry to everyone who had plans to go to these shows!
Keep in mind, Dilana isn't going ANYWHERE and will be playing MANY shows ALL over. Just keep checking back for updates!!!
4/30/07 -Hello, all you wonderful Dilana fans!! Hope you all are doing well and catching some warm weather!!
From what we have ALL been hearing, the Aerosmith concert Dilana opened for in Las Vegas this past weekend was absolutely incredible!! If you haven't done so already, Amy, an awesome Dilana fanspace member, posted in our blog section a great review of the concert! We're still having difficulties posting the pics from the show, but I'll find a way sooner or later!
AND, thanks to a wonderful fanspacer (Tonya) we now have some news on the upcoming Houston shows in June!!!
Not sure if this is breaking news or not...but I spoke to Acadia Bar today at 2:30pm and they are still working all the kinks out for the concerts...BUT, I did get some GREAT info...they do plan on tickets going on sale by the end of this week!!!! There will be about 300 tickets per night sold. Tickets will cost either $25 or $30 per ticket and there will be a buying cap of 4 tickets per person per show. And the best part...tickets will go on sale ONLINE!!!! The website is www.acadiabar.us, they said to keep checkin the web site and there will eventually be details!...THANKS AGAIN, TONYA!!
So there ya have it, folks!
Stay tuned for new Dilana News!!
4/20/07 -GREAT NEWS, DILANA FANS!!! Dilana's acoustic show with Magni in Hermosa Beach on May 12th SOLD OUT...meaning ANOTHER show has been added for the NEXT DAY!!
Dilana and Magni will be hitting HOUSTON, TX at the end of June !!! I will post more info on this as soon as I get it!
So stay tuned for more Dilana news coming soon!! xoxo
4/12/07 -SORRY GUYS AND GALS! This show has been CANCELLED:
May 10, 2007 - 8:00PM SHOW CANCELLED @ Mozambique in Laguna Beach, CA!!
4/9/07 -DILANA IS HOME! She got back this weekend, and from what I understand, she feels refreshed and is ready to get back to working on her album which will drop some time this coming summer!! Are you excited??!! I KNOW I AM!! Anyways, a NEW show has been added, yet again, to the coming weeks. Dilana will also be playing this show with Magni.
May 10, 2007
Laguna Beach, California
*This information was taken directly from her personal myspace, so please don't message me questions because this is as much as I know*
4/2/07 -JUST got this in a couple minutes ago! Dilana is on her MUCH DESERVED break from her crazy life, but has managed to get me info on a new show that has been added to her schedule and she will be playing with Magni!
Here is ALL the info you will need about how to get tickets and where the venue is:
May 12th is the date!!
Live at the Lounge at the Comedy & Magic Booking
1018 Hermosa Avenue (10th St. & Pier Ave.) Hermosa
Beach, CA 90254
Club Phone (310) 372-1193
tix available by phoning the venue above
3/18/07 -Here is the latest news on the Aerosmith concert featuring DILANA!
Tickets went on sale Saturday, March 17th, at 10AM on ticketmaster.com (under artist seach "aerosmith")
At the Mandalay Bay Events Box Office
date/time: SAT APRIL 28,2007 9:00PM
If you live anywhere near the Las Vegas area, you may want to buy directly from the Mandalay Bay Events Box Office because their convenience fee is cheaper than the one ticketmaster charges.
The event is NOT sold out, so if you haven't gotten your tickets yet, DO IT...it's for a great cause along with a great show!!
3/12/07 -Okay folks! More news!! I just got an email from Dilana and I need people to PLEASE make flyers for the upcoming Pala Casino show in San Diego on March 23rd!! I am going to try my best to get an "official" flyer going on here so that all you have to do is print them out and post them where ever you can. But in the mean time, if you could just print up some temporary ones and post them around, that would be amazing!!! If I can get volunteers out in the San Diego area to take a street teaming job for this show, that would also be great! If you can dedicate some time to help spread the word about this show, please message the fanspace ASAP and I'll let you know what to do!
Dilana needs 2 volunteers to help sell merch at the Pala show!! If you are interested in helping Dilana sell her merch, please message the fanspace ASAP and I'll fill you in on the details! THANK YOU!!
3/10/07 -THE APRIL 13TH MOLLY MALONE'S SHOW IS NO LONGER TENTATIVE AND TICKETS ARE NOW OFFICIALLY ON SALE!! So be sure to get them before they're all gone!! You can buy them off the web at http://www.ticketweb.com/ and just type "Dilana" in the search bar to get to where you can buy the tickets!!! See you there!!
3/8/07 -I have been checking on ticketmaster.com for information on the Las Vegas show, where Dilana will be opening for Aerosmith, but the show is not listed on the site yet. For those of you trying to get tickets, call ticketmaster (their number can be found on their website) and I'm sure they will be able to tell you what's going on. We will do the same, and as soon as we get information, we'll post it for all of you!
MORE exciting news!! The video for Dilana's single, "Holiday," is ready for all your anxious eyes!
Click to watch Dilana's video for her single "Holiday"
""HOLIDAY" music video"
3/7/07 -We have some EXCLUSIVE Dilana touring news for you guys! Lately she has been locked up in her studio writing new material for the new album, but we got to speak with her for a while on the phone to let us know about a few shows that will be going down in the next couple of months. The Molly Malone's show is currently tentative, and venues may be updated and/or changed.
March 23rd – Pala Casino in San Diego, CA playing with her band
April 13th – Molly Malone’s in Los Angeles, CA playing an acoustic set with Magni
April 28th – Las Vegas, NV at the Mandalay Bay, OPENING FOR AEROSMITH!
As soon as we get updates on these shows we’ll let you know! We will also soon have flyers for them so you guys could help promote if you want!
Keep checking back for more updates! Thanks!
2/28/07 - As of last night, February 27th, Dilana has finished touring with Rock Star Supernova, and is heading back to the studios to finish her album due to drop sometime this summer!! Dilana will also be beginning another solo tour after her album drops this summer as well!
We also were able to give her the fanbook with all your messages in it. She loved it! Check out the pics for a larger version of the photo.
For more recent new from speaking to Dilana, she has told us that the video for her new single, "Holiday," is almost complete. Remeber that mini Halloween movie Dilana said she and Jimmy filmed, but it was never shown?? Well clips of the movie are in the upcoming "Holiday" video! So keep checking back for more news on that!
And don't forget! If you haven't done so already, you can now purchase Dilana's singles: "Roxanne," "Supersoul," "Holiday," and "Ring of Fire" off iTunes or off her personal myspace (http://www.myspace.com/dilanarox). You can also purchase Dilana's album "Wonderfool" here, directly off the fanspace!!
That's all for now! Keep checking back for more news and updates!!
you know you wanna.
asked questions!
before submitting a question to the fanspace, please go over these questions to see if it's already been answere! Thanks!
1) Is this Dilana?
No, we are not Dilana. Sorry to disappoint you. Dilana's myspace page is located at www.myspace.com/dilanarox
2) When is Dilana coming to (insert city, state, country)?
We don't know! Currently she is recording and not playing any shows, give a few local ones. But keep an eye out on her tour dates, we're sure she'll be coming around soon to where you are. In the meantime, check out www.eventful.com and demand to see Dilana in your area!
3) What is this chat and how do I join?
The chat has been set up for all of us to enjoy by the wonderful Mikisan. To join, go to www.dilanaclan.com , click 'index' on the left and then click on the chat banner to join the chat!
4) How do I get in touch with Dilana?
You can leave her a comment via her myspace. You can also message her, but please realize she is a busy woman and can't respond to everyone. If you want to send her something, the address to which you can send her stuff is listed on this site.
5) I'm Dilana's biggest fan! Can you get me her autograph?
Sorry, no. If we got one person an autograph, we'd have to get everyone an autograph. Plus, we don't get to see her as much as we like as it is! Surely, if you catch her at a show you can find her and get one. In the future, we might hold contests and some prizes may be autographed, so keep an eye out!
please read!
1) This site is NOT run by Dilana personally, but is approved and officially sanctioned by her and her manager Jimmy Stewart. They have all the information to access this site so they can change and/or update anything they wish to. Also, this fanspace is NOT affiliated with any outside Dilana sites. This is simply the official "MYSPACE" fanspace with no other branches.
2) Negative comments suck. They will be deleted and if it's persistant you will be removed and blocked from this site.
3) Most importantly, have fun and keep on rockin! :)
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