bassplaying,girls,going out,beer,meat,metal,bassplaying, playing guitar,beer,drinking beer,looking at beer,eating meat,looking at meat,eating and looking at meat with beer over it, beer,metal,meat,metal,metal,bassplaying,guitar playing,psychothic music
voivod,maybe some other psycho bands, and steve dÃgiorgio
death,control denied,diggeth,iron maiden,motorhead,vader,megadeth,metallica,glenn ghould,dark hall,testament,thrash metal hehehe,cannibal corpse,cephalic carnage,my own mess(check them out!),anthrax.and much more :)
dude were's my car? , detroit rock city , tenacious d and the pick of destiny. and more
disovery channel,south park, the fresh prince of bell air,maried with children.
The anti-christ by fredrich nietsche
clifford lee burton(27th september 1987...R.I.P. ex metallica,ex trauma) jason newsted(ex metallica,ex flotsam&jetsam, voivod) dennis "piggy" d'amour(26 august 2005 ex voivod)