Michew profile picture



About Me

hi! my name is michel, i play in 4 bands,
Alcoholocaust ( tankard like thrash ) Eternal blackout( Thrash/metalcore) Daimon( Prog/Thrash metal) S.A.R.S. (Severe Anal Rotting Syndrom)( Tech death/superduperubermetalgrindcoreshizzledizzle,br00tal cunt molesting Ass Whiping DeAtH MeTaL WoOoOhOoOPyEYeYeRErSDADA)further projects are comming soon.

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My Interests

bassplaying,girls,going out,beer,meat,metal,bassplaying, playing guitar,beer,drinking beer,looking at beer,eating meat,looking at meat,eating and looking at meat with beer over it, beer,metal,meat,metal,metal,bassplaying,guitar playing,psychothic music

I'd like to meet:

voivod,maybe some other psycho bands, and steve dígiorgio


death,control denied,diggeth,iron maiden,motorhead,vader,megadeth,metallica,glenn ghould,dark hall,testament,thrash metal hehehe,cannibal corpse,cephalic carnage,my own mess(check them out!),anthrax.and much more :)


dude were's my car? , detroit rock city , tenacious d and the pick of destiny. and more


disovery channel,south park, the fresh prince of bell air,maried with children.


The anti-christ by fredrich nietsche


clifford lee burton(27th september 1987...R.I.P. ex metallica,ex trauma) jason newsted(ex metallica,ex flotsam&jetsam, voivod) dennis "piggy" d'amour(26 august 2005 ex voivod)

My Blog

thats IT!

so after 5 years a band i really love is exit, they meant a bunch to me! every day i listend their music, now they stopped, hopefully the guitar and bass player can find a worthy drummer to go on, so ...
Posted by Michew on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:28:00 PST

Rock About Nask(RAN) 2007

nou, deel 2 van mijn cheapo festival shit Ran, dit festival is in wehl , mooi opgericht, jammer van de mensen die de hele dag op de camping zitten, stelletje NO-lifes(ja geen low lifes maarNO lifes) d...
Posted by Michew on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:59:00 PST

no wacken for me anymore!

the reason why i dont go to wacken anymore is that i'm currently not want to go with people who think i would plan transportation, i told that i maybe could borrow the car of my dad, but that didnt wo...
Posted by Michew on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:05:00 PST

Kultuur kuur 2007 (DUTCH!!!)

in mijn zoektocht naar goeie goedkope tot gratis festivals met lineups die mij aanstaan ben ik zaterdag 16 juni beland in lichtenvoorde op kultuur kuur. de bands hier stonden me over het algemeen hele...
Posted by Michew on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:31:00 PST

Vader, god dethroned,severe torture and other shit+exodus!

just a lill time ago we were going to vader...again... but now you could buy combi tickets, so you could see vader AND exodus! that was dirty cheap! well...we should go with car, so like about 6 o clo...
Posted by Michew on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 03:15:00 PST


OWJA!!!!   KEIHARDE METAL! joa.... moest het even zeggen!  ...
Posted by Michew on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 04:01:00 PST

germany thrash metal band

i wanted to start a germany thrash band! kinda like tankard and sodom,me on guitar(something difrent to bass hehehe) and i had another guitar guy, he quited, AND THE DARN BAND WASNT STARTED YET!!! sti...
Posted by Michew on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:25:00 PST

New lay out

yeah, well...what the title says dumbass!
Posted by Michew on Tue, 30 May 2006 11:34:00 PST

Vader+anorexia nervosa+Rotting christ and lost soul @ the effenaar

on 16th of october I have gone to Vader and co. with my good friend Jorik. in the effenaar in eindhoven. it was totally awesome. first was the train ride! damn 3 hours long in some rotting trains...
Posted by Michew on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 01:05:00 PST