angel pretty beyond words profile picture

angel pretty beyond words

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

   This profile was tweaked at %D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A MyGen %D%A Profile Generator %D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A Random facts
Just so u know.. %D%A

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%D%Aget it. got it? good! %D%AThis is my page. So i'll post whatever absurd, creepy, corny, boring, nonsensical stuff i want. Don't like it? then get!


%D%Aget it. got it? good! %D%AThis is my page. So i'll post whatever absurd, creepy, corny, boring, nonsensical stuff i want. Don't like it? then get!
%D%A%D%Ai may be sensitive but I am strong. I may be serious at times but I love to laugh. may procrastinate but I know how to get things done.I may be a spender but I know how to be practical.I don't critique a person's individuality by assuming without reasonable facts. Yes, I still believe in letting things fall into place, for what we all call fate and destiny.i AM a proud woman. may appear to be brutally honest, but I expect likewise.I can be your best friend or your worst adversary, to my friends and family I'm someone they can count on, when no else is there..i know exactly where i stand,im MORE MATURE now (i think)..if i decided to do smthing, i have 2 b sure its goin 2 work,im not much of a RISK TAKER.%D%A%D%A
%D%Aim a hyper-active type of person but sometimes,the more active i am, the more in-active i could be. Some may find me MEAN or un-approachable because of the way i act, the way i speak and kind of friends that i have...Yes, I am MEAN. So, don't fuck with my friends & expect nothing to happen. i'm the younger version of Charlotte York. Just like her,i have a refreshingly optimistic outlook on love and romance,well-bred,walks through life with a perfect sense of decorum. And a lot of idealism.I don't give up easily.Just like her,i havn't become embittered about love or life.I reflect the way i dressed up through my lifestyle and feminine charm.I'm classic and my chick style is timeless..i like deep and meaningful conversations..if i want something,im really up for it.i set my priorities straight. I love my family, mah friends BUT my Family, some of my friends are the only people who I can trust..It's really hard to gain my trust. I swear you'll stop trying! I'm still a youth livin in a serenity lookin for the meaning of life,while at the same time, enjoyin it..I've found what i like to do for now, BUT that could change later on.. Everday, I still feel like I'm discovering a lot of things about myself. In the meantime, I'm happy for what & where I am...%D%A

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%D%A%D%A BLESSED. for having such a wonderful Family, for having lots of NEW Friends that I can always count on [you'll find your TRUE friends in College. trust me].%D%A

%D%A LOVE. F a s h i o n [I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men...]the BEACH. Havaianas flipflops. S U M M E R, shOPpiNg[splurging is really my weakness :p] M a C lipgloss, getting my nails done [i sooo love french tips], Coke Classic, dencio's & Green, Starbucks, FOOD.[Indulging is my second weakness hehe] i love italian dishes.%D%A

%D%A HATE. D R A M A, pressure, people who stares at me, highschool friends who talks behind my back [you know who you are!], my 7:30AM class, Clowns, surprises, and HOT weather.%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A

%D%AHatin Me is NOT gonna make you better than Me. %D%A%D%A


%D%A%D%Ai have always been DADDY'S LITTLE PRINCESS and MOMMY'S GORGEOUS BRATTINELA. i have always wanted being pampered by everybody. friends and family. i fall inlove so easily. so please, if you have plans on making me as one of your chickas, warning: PLEASE DON'T . and yes, i drink. I DON'T DO DRUGS . so for that little bitch who keeps on making rumors bout me, may she rest in peace wherever she may be. haha! i am moody. yes. i am 17. but i never wanted to be treated like a kid even if i act like one most of the time. I USUALLY WANT THINGS TO GO MY WAY. anyone who tries messing with it, dies. for real. im into DANCING too. not the mainstream type of dance, more on modern and jazz. but i can do hip-hop too. they say im good. haha! honestly speaking, i have a low self esteem. i usually self pity. have lots of insecurities. so again, if you have plans of just destroying my life , (like what someone did just recently..) for my sake, DONT. more bout me soon.
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%D%A . .. ** jUST A GOOd* GiRL ;*...
. ..;with a naughty smile... %D%A

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%D?nyone goes. peepz of all walks of life. i dont choose friends. everybody's welcome here. got BIG space foe yha guys..if it requirez you of mah email. its [email protected] and umm. if you're askin' for my number, right? its 0906******* NAH. soRry. i dont give my digits to strangers. =P
(you better Respect that.)

%D%A%D%Aif you wanna add me on:%D%A
%D%AMYSPACE: click here GUYZ!&&& amp;#035;035;220 ; %D%A

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%D%A%D?efore yu hit the "add me up" button in my navigator, %D%A make sure that you'll talk to me! if not, think twice. and yeah do read evrythin. %D%A ABSOLUTELY NO SPACE FOR HATERS. if you do hate me, i dont care. just hop your ass out and exit my crib. dont get me wrong. i dont want to pretend, im so pissed off with plastiks,users,posers, wannabeez, HATERS! give me a break!
%D%AI just realized today that I am sick and tired of lame ppl. Granted they do rule the majority of the world I'm going to make a stand against them. I hate them all. This monkey girl is a huge fan of sushi. I mean, ain't it obvious? Sheesh.. I seriously pity her. And yeah, this shit stays up until she takes those pictures down. Damn poser.%D%A%D%Aso yu, il be glad to add a friend.


%D%A %D%ANO COPYCATS!!!!!!!! %D%A

%D%AThis site/profile is 100% made by me. Meaning all the graphics, pictures, and background image are made by me through Adobe Photoshop 7.0. No COPYCATS! Bitch Phuuullleeez dont be stealing anything on my page, or my every word. I`ll haunt you down. Don`t make me mad. HATERS if your going to be hatin` on my page then fawk off. GET A LIFE! Peverted men, if you think your too old for me and this site, please leave (that also goes for the stalkers too).

%D%Astraight up...YEP, i do pimp other's cribs.. BUT only for those who are worthy. lots of peepz do bug mah inbox askin me to pimp der page..hella nice. without even saying "hi" or askin meh who d hell i am. worst, you do expect il do evrythin and some sort of addin more demands. NO I WONT DO YER PAGE!! im soree. to pimp page is a hard task. besides, im new in this thing. take my advice, be good enough to say PLEASE when you do ask for favors. %D%A

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%D%A Anger Management
%D%A To the Public
hear this out! %D%A
%D%A get lost you psyhco slut!

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%D%A Sorry for being rude..but for sure YOU DONT WANNA BE COPIED right? so if i were you? just make your own layouts! come on' man.."ORIGINALITY", you even complimented that my page looks cool..hell! are you fuckin' kiddin me?! i know.. my page is not so good..and im not feeling just pisses me off that someone is stealing my what no angel anymore..uh!uh! dont mess with me biatch!

%D%A%D%A Thanks to those who hated me, You made me a stronger person. Thanks to those who loved me, You made my heart grow fonder. Thanks to those who envied me, You made my self-esteem grow stronger. Thanks to those who cared, You made me feel important. Thanks to those who entered my life, You made me who I am today. Thanks to those who left, You showed me that nothing lasts forever. Thanks to those who stayed, You showed me the true meaning of "friendship"


%D%Ai admit i am b.i.t.c.h.y but what the hell, this is my life, so i don't f.u.c.k.i.n care if any of you hates me, coz damn, i f.u.c.k.i.n hate you more than you do hate me... i don't really follow trend, i make my own... i don't care if people would look at me as if i am a rotting doll, i don't care as much as they don't care if i live or die... im just being realistic my dears...%D%Asome people thinks i am dead weird... so what? everybody has their own way of being weird, even you (and you just don't know that coz you're damn dumb) %D%A

%D%A%D%A i'm not so typical like ya'll percieve me to be. take a good look at yourself before labeling me- branding me- second guessing me- backstabbing me- prejudging me- hating me. i'm not so typical. i'm my own-self. i don't like all this conformity our society is guilty of. i like to be different, but i don't "seek" to be so obscure that people find me to be a poser. i just do what i feel. some individuals often make false judgements of my intelligence, stability, success, & confidence--- then corner me into degradation or gossip. however, i will continue to not let those comments and views hinder the way i think and/or feel about my self. also, i don't think i'm more superior than others. def. not a snob. i have a plethora of friends... all different, unique, intricate & special in their own way.

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%D%A &&&a mp;amp;amp;&&&&# ;035;035;035;035;035;035;187; if you've got nothing to do.. BITCHES please fuck off! if you haTe me then i hate you more! asSholes, jerks, losers... puhLeez Leave me aLonE! i'm doing my own thing here. so, you better mind you're own business sucko!%D%A
%D%A &&&a mp;amp;amp;&&&&# ;035;035;035;035;035;035;187; dont you have your own FAce to show that to the pubLic? is it not presentable? LMAO puhLeez Stop it. it is sooo effin pathetic. may God bLess you. ^_^ %D%A POSERS cOunt yEr pRecioUs daYs heRe maH deaR,, coz u'LL bE ouT sOon!! %D?ccept the fact thaT yer face SUCKS!! and u caN never be me... DEAL WITH IT!!

%D%A &&&a mp;amp;amp;&&&&# ;035;035;035;035;035;035;187; %D%AUSING OTHER's PICTURES WON'T MAKE YOU PRETTY NEVER try to be sUm yEr reaLLy noT. DON'T do thinGs juSt to be poPuLAr..... %D%A Get a fuckin liFe you faker! if you dont have anything to do, just DIE! just stop making rumors about us. you are sooo friggin pathetic!


%D%Ai just dont get why some people have to be so damn envious! are you feeling bitter and unhappy justa cause I HAVE what you dont?!! come on there are a hecka lot of better things to do than that Get your bitter ass movin... and puhhhlezze GET A LIFE i heard so fools think imma fucker..ugghh.. hey dont you get to know me look at the things i have then tell me if im one. When i want something, i work hard for it and make sure i get it. i dont need nobody!! i dont need to depend on anyone. i'm doin mah Own shiit here im rockin mah own joint! and for all you mother f*ckin'fakers.. STAY AWAY FROM ME! . i've had enough of you guys! i'm not miss goody-goody anymore so you better watch what you say. im sick and tired of all your lies and i'm not buying no more... so soory people imma have to SHAKE YOU OFF! :) %D%A

%D%Aif looks could kill you'd be a murderer, OR MAYBE JUST A WHORE %D%Ai'm getting really pissed off & i'm trying not to freak out on people. grrrr.. people are dumb & bother me. i'm getting real tired of a lot - actually i have been real tired of it. but now i'm getting to the point where i don't even care anymore. Each day I go through more pain than anyone could imagine...aMpness %D%A

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%D%A%D%A *. i FLIRT ... but i L O V E deeply !.* %D%A%D%A ............

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

%D%ATO FIND FRIENDS. i am not here to collect friends. i really make friends out of my list. but if you're not able to deliver a good conversation at least, or even make your presence felt, then your loss. you can't blame me because you're catatonic... or outright stupid. thanks anyway for adding me up. %D%A

%D%ATO MEET NORMAL PEOPLE. as much as possible, i don't want to be judgemental, but i don't accept people with overly obscene and distasteful pictures. i believe that people ofthis sort had painful childhoods and may be candidate for psychological incapacity. i don't mingle with the legislatively exempted. they might kill me and get away with it. %D%A

%D%ATHIS IS EVIL, BUT. if you plan to REALLY be my friend, you should have a decent Intelligence or at the very least EMOTIONAL quotient. i can't handle chatting with people who can't freaking spell or can't get past "wassap". and no, language is NOT a factor. (nudge, louie.) %D%A

%D%ATO EXPRESS. i am an open book. if you don't like what you see, what the fuck is the "close window" button for? and why the fuck are you still reading this?! %D%A

%D%ATO KICK FAKE ASS. oh, and if you are a SKANKY, good for nothing, low-IQ, fake, annoying little piece of shit... or ... a PERVERTED, ridiculously egotistical, trash-talking, overconfident, unintelligent, DISRESPECTFUL asshole... better not try be anywhere near a 50m radius from me. %D%A

%D%AI can be a bitch. so don't dare push mE. %D%A%D%A



My Blog

so sick! by: ne-yo

So Sick Of Love Songs by Ne-Yo   Mmmm mmm yeahDo do do do do do do-doOhh Yeah Gotta change my answering machineNow that I'm aloneCuz right now it says that weCan't come to the phoneAnd I know it ...
Posted by angel pretty beyond words on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 05:57:00 PST

reAd ThiS AlL pEePs Hu aRe InloVe!!!

HOMILY OF LOVE When you think of your part love. You may view it as a failure. But when you find new love in doesnt really matter who won or who lost. What important is you know when to hold on an...
Posted by angel pretty beyond words on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ROOTS OF LOVE Happiness, love is full of happiness. Happiness is being achieve when you feel comfortable with the one you love, when your happy on what you feel and what you are doing, when you wan...
Posted by angel pretty beyond words on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST