Handler of the Meat (Retired) profile picture

Handler of the Meat (Retired)

We must memorize nine numbers and deny that we have a soul...

About Me

Contact: Don't really use IM so Hit me up with an email!
Yahoo Messenger: the_big_l@sbcglobal.net
AIM-Spoogy Magoo (Hardly ever sign it in...)
Andrew --
A person who likes to steal tins of tuna
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Random Thoughts
*Pizza rolls are under rated*
*Ted Drewes kicks the shit out of Andes anyday*
*The Cubs will always suck*
*Favorite foods: Anything with Country Bobs, Sloppy Joes, and Chicken and Dumplings*
*Fall and Spring should be the only seasons*
*Conan O'brien is amazing*
*Big Trouble In Little China is easily the greatest achievement in film...ever!*
*The movie, "Titanic," is over rated*
*Panic! at the Disco will be the new, emo version of N*Sync, just you wait!*
*AJ from June is my idol*
*I still like Hootie and the Blowfish, and I'm not ashamed*
*I want a Scion Xb, I want to have fun in a box. :)*
*I knew Lance Bass was gay awhile ago, don't lie to your self, deep down so did you*
*I love lamp*
*I still have band posters up in my room from freshman year of high school...why?*
*I beat anorexia!*
*Brokeback Mountain was robbed at the Oscar's. That movie is amazing, and deep down inside you want to see it.*
*My room currently smells like Ramen Noodles...*
*I have had the same pillow and pillow case since I was like 10*
*I read that over a long enough span that pillows and bedding becomes mainly just mites and their feces*
*Who wants to have a sleep over?*
*I have lived in St. Louis pretty much all of my life, but have never been up into the Arch*
*Cake for breakfast is amazing*
*I enjoy receiving the running and jump hug*
*Your Mom upside down is Wow*
*Top 3 favorite songs: "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight", by The Postal Service. "Coin operated Boy", by The Dresden Dolls. "Bring The Pain", by Mindless Self Indulgence.*
*I inspire to be a motor boatin' son of a bitch*
*Ralph Wiggum is the greastest cartoon character ever made*
*Pigeons and Crows will one day form an alliance and will take over the world*
*Sponged painted walls are neat*
*If you have been following along...I did finally go up into the Arch the other day, so scratch that from the list. I went with a Spaniard!*
*I drove 20 miles per hour over the speed limit tonight to get home in time for Big Brother...I'm sad...*
*I am the speed bump master*
*Columbia College blows...why didn't I pass College Algebra when I had the chance...*
More to Come...

My Interests

* Music *
* Movies*
* H2*
* Rainbow Six*
* Friends*
* Learning about plants...(so I'm kind of gay...whatever)*
* Komlavi*
* Stupid Trivia*
* Board Games in general*
* Watching Sports (not actually doing them...meurh)*
* Bowling!*
* Drinking*
* Bandit*
* Jewish Curls (not anymore...tear)*
* Discovering new music*

I'd like to meet:

I look like these Celebs? I'm really a women, most people don't know that though, with having the penis and all. :)

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The Academy Is...
The Postal Service
Houston Calls
Just Surrender
...many many more...


Top 10:
Big Trouble and Little China
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
Better Off Dead
Office Space
Pirates of the Carribean
Wedding Crashers
Brokeback Mountain (thats right...what!)
Kill Bill Vol. 1


I don't watch too much TV anymore, but some shows I never miss are:
The Simpsons
Grey's Anatomy
The Office
Big Brother
I also watch Sportscenter almost everyday



I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !