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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I'm the one.

Stay Classy, San Diego

All things *muff... I love love, I show my love, I think that too much is never enough, if you have two legs you should be dancing, two fat lips are for romancing... I love the sacred heart, treating kissing like an art, art that lives on breathing bodies, big Big Islands breeding hotties, speaking free and singing loud, wearing hearts on sleeves and being proud, blue skies, sunshine, and smooth sailing, drummers and two guitars wailing, black box theaters and curtain calls, starry nights when the heavens fall, walking home on Alii Drive, seeing friends as they drive by, seeing friends performing live, big dreams being realized... I love waking up to G-DUSH!, smiling brothers who don't push, reggae that breeds violence, heavy laughter, comfy silence, bedsprings twanging like distant violins, pleasant people of the islands, performing, pressure, superlong drives, Sabotage Soundsystem video archives, those who get up and proceed to get down, Stone Love with the Number One Sound.

My Interests

Being worshipped, respected, and adored.

Gratuitous public displays of affection and devotion.

The good life.

Making it worth it.

Doing it right.

Give it up for me.

And this little guy right here...

Keeping my family close. Learning more, getting better, handwritten notes and letters, acting, writing, singing, drawing, dancing, reading, teaching, performing. I love waiting tables... I think it's fun, and some of the most challenging acting you'll be asked to do. I love words. The written word, the spoken word, the words that we don't say, the ones we choose to use and the ones we throw away. Expanding my empirical knowledge to include other perspectives and truth, pushing my physical experience into things that I never knew I could do... Travelling. The open road. Open doors. Making s'mores. Avoiding being mean. Helping little people learn from the things that I have seen.

Front row tickets. Backstage passes. Previews, premieres, debuts. Incredibly intense pressure that drives me to produce. Being barefoot with my hair on the loose. Dark coffee, dark beer, tucking a pua behind my right ear and running down my road. Being proud of my friends. The story behind the music and the history of things, psychology, quantum theory, and the meaning of dreams. Doing my best. The benefits of sleep. Sunday Mornings, Saturday Nights, things you chance to find and keep. Change. Photos. Poetry. Mediation. Meditation. Stringing leis and taking walks with my dog. The real reason behind coincidence, dragging people off the fence, hearing my house heave with laughter... fairy tales and ever-after.

I'd like to meet:

Men! ... No more haole kooks!... Men like these :)

A Rock and Roll ripper who can back my tracks, match my stride, make me snacks, share my glamorous life, knock me out at night and wake me up RIGHT!

The man I want to meet is not in a bar
He is out somewhere sleeping beneath the stars
He is at home tuning multiple guitars
Singing and dreaming of me
Wishing for me before he closes his eyes
Waiting for me to come walking by
He is drawing in ink by candlelight
With lips stained from wine and a long, long night
He is thinking deeply about the meaning of Life
Of Family, of Love, and of the word Wife
He is planning the perfect words to say
The day we finally meet
Picturing the way we look walking down the street
Holding hands, making out, sweeping me off my feet
Picking me up, spinning me around, chewing on my cheek
The man I want to meet is not in a bar
He is out somewhere wrenching on classic cars
Learning French, studying the Gallic Wars
Writing sonnets about me
Mapping my character carefully
In art for everyone to see
Desiring on paper a woman he has never known
Devising me in his solemn head
Before he slips off to bed alone
He holds his breath patiently for The One
Knowing I will be his great reward when the right day finally comes
The man I want to meet is not in a bar
He is out somewhere playing hard
He is with the dog in the backyard
Schooling suckers on a board for me
Scanning the beach, hoping that I see
Coming shining out of the water
About to give me three sons and a beautiful daughter
Brixton, Cash, and Clash and little Loke...
Somewhere there is a match for me
With a broad, wide smile and flashing teeth
Somewhere a true man sits on his hands and waits for me to come
He will not settle for anything less
Does not want good or better, but Best
Every morning as he gets dressed it is with me in mind
The man I want to meet is not in a bar
He is a bright and shining star
Who has lived his entire life to someday be mine...
The way I live for the man I hope to find...



The Descendents, Sublime, The Clash, The Police, Bargain Music, Pepper, Arena Productions, Ponchoman, No Doubt, Wanted Dead, Kut U Up, Slightly Stoopid, Iration, Bob Marley, Half Pint, Barrington Levy, THE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS, UB40, Long Beach Dub All Stars, Bad Religion, NOFX, Incubus, Flogging Molly, Smashing Pumpkins, Social Distortion, Cake, The Cure, Oingo Boingo, Jack Johnson, Erin McKeown, Frente, Jason Mraz, The Untouchables, The Specials, Madness, Alkaline Trio, Brand New, Jimmy EatWorld, Ben Folds Five, Weezer, Jets To Brazil, Modest Mouse, Bright Eyes, Death Cab For Cutie, Your Mom


The Future is Unwritten, Westway to the World, Searching for the Haj, The Fifth Symphony Document, Seasons, Stories, tales, lies, and exaggerations, Happy Gilmore, Zoolander, Amelie, Love Actually, The Big Blue, Almost Famous, Ferris Bueller's Day Off


is the devil.


Ishmael, The Story of B, The Alchemist, The Dreaded 710 Split, State by State with the State, Corelli's Mandolin, The Anatomy of the Spirit, The Giving Tree, The Lorax


My mom and pop, who have always led by example and saved the day, and never raised a hand for anything other than wild applause. My incredible Mexican immigrant single-mother saint of a grandma. My sister, who always comes through. My brother, whose intellect is unmatched. My brother-in-law, the hardest worker I know who is making fine men of my nephews. Every teacher I ever had, except that one guy in Australia... others numbered as the stars, for various qualities, virtues, and feats. A massive network of artists who are fearless and inspiring.

My Blog

I Love A Toothless Dirtbag

Puppybaby lost a tooth! To be more precise, he lost HALF a tooth during a romp in the dirt in the lawn behind my producer's studio/home. We were playing tug-of-war with a rope in our usual manner, try...
Posted by *muff on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:47:00 PST

Team TIFFANY! Fuck yeah!

I pull long sips off my tepid tea. Puppybaby pads around restlessly. The world is quiet and still. I have just come in from the consolation of a cigarette... the gross ones from Mexico that my grandma...
Posted by *muff on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:01:00 PST

The Notorious B.I.G.

Big Island does it again! Read all about it. Celebrated Dub's birthday and had a time. Awoke this afternoon to find this online. I fucking love this life of mine. Big Island: 1,000,001 Cali Kooks: ...
Posted by *muff on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:21:00 PST

TMZ Status: Stalkerazzi catches Muff making out?!?!

Who would take a picture like this and spread it all over the internet? Well, a girl promoting her own short film, of course. Brace yourselves for the coming of FEED THE CAT, the latest endeavor of...
Posted by *muff on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 10:27:00 PST

Ala Hou

Ala hou... Rise again... Flowed down into Redondo Beach El Laaayee this weekend, walked in the studio door, and was completely in awe of what I saw. Everything was wailing and I got to hear two...
Posted by *muff on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 06:50:00 PST

S and M

Sex. Money. Power. Such things are said to be the motivators of man, but I propose a revision: Sex. Money. Mastery. And here is why: Sex and Money are manifestations of Power. And so is Mastery. An...
Posted by *muff on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 10:33:00 PST

T & CO: Return to Tiffany

"When reality will not be what we want and try to make it be, we suffer. The more we deny what we in fact experience, the more intense our suffering, the more we struggle, and the more egocentric, neu...
Posted by *muff on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:35:00 PST

Ghost Town

Cutie pie you might do right To take some of your own advice Bite your tongue till it goes numb If you can find nothing nice How'd a good good girl like you Get mixed up with these guys You come here ...
Posted by *muff on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:54:00 PST

Enough With The Humping

BricLovin is out of control... Spent an evening with Joey and the one and only Katie Buoye... this year really does get better and better with every day! Puppy got some love, but not enough to quench ...
Posted by *muff on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 09:00:00 PST

Get Out, Part Deux

When you are overexposed to something toxic, sometimes the best remedy is to induce vomiting. Get it out of your system. Get it out. Throwing up is never pretty. Thanks for holding my hair back, Amer...
Posted by *muff on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 12:20:00 PST