Dr. sticks profile picture

Dr. sticks

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Marty the current drummer for the band,Geen Room. I have 23 years of playing under my belt, and I enjoy what I do. I currently work for a hole in the road making less than bullshit a week, on sundays I play for the church of snobs, fashion, pain, hypocrits, big shots, Uncle Toms, and common folk. I like to chill out mind my business, and leave other peoples alone. I like to hang out with people that have a good insight on life, and who cant stand george bush( his name isn't worth capitalization). I like to hang out at Guitar Center, collect cymbals, jam with anyone jamable, get my smoke on, maybe my drink on every now and again, eat ,and sleep.

My Interests

Metal heads, and people that are real.

I'd like to meet:

People the share the same sarcastic way of being themselves.


Anything that sounds good to my ears. Everything that gets airplay aint music in my book!


Natral disaster movies, Comedy, Action , and none of that lovy dovy BULLSHIT!!!!!!!


David Chapelle, Mad T.V. The Weather Chanel, and Blue Collar T.V.


Mythology, Horror, Action, Comedy, and Music


The asshole guy (Dennis Leary), Keith Moon, Neil Peart, John Bonham, Dennis Chambers, Carter Buford, Kenny Jones, Phil Collins, Aaron Comez, and me.