adornment, all body types, ambient music, atmosphere, art, being a piercer, bliss, braindrops, deuce deuce, destroying sterotypes, dusk, electric nights, eleven eleven, emotional connections, epic moments, experimental music, finding broken umbrellas in the street, getting into trouble, getting real, getting dirty, ginger, graffiti, hanuman, healing, hip hop, idealism, impermanence, incredibly hot showers, infatuations, ketchup, knowing i'm not done yet... i haven't even fucking started, letting go, life, living my life to music like some twisted montage, LONDON, making out, modest beauty, modification, movement, my new business venture, pause, people who have crushes on me, people who inspire me to create or learn, positive energy exchanges, release, reminding myself daily of how blessed i am, reno, ritual, roadtrips not headtrips, sage, saki and soju, scars, shapeshifting with ease, skin, slowly tattooing my entire body, spark plugs, standing in my power or trying to, suspension, the faux, the number 11, traveling, working, working on cars, working on myself, working to stop working, working on driving you crazy, writing, and transgretions of the human heart.
i already know you guys!