Hanging out, Listing to music, Playing Music, Going to shows, Partying. Meeting People...... Dodger baseball....Soccer...... FOOSEBALL...... CHICKEN FIGHTS in the pool. FAMILY.
I'd like to met jon bon-jovi so that I may ask him what I could possibly do to be as complete fuckin awsome as he..... That's all. Just jon bon-jovi
Some likes....
I like the way the weather feels after a night of rain.
I like conversation that holds my attention
I like watching gorry movies and then re-telling them to mary minus the
gore cause she's to gay to watch it herself.
I like my sidekick (I got the 2 but she does her job just aswell as the
I like meetin new people and gettin to know about them.
I like makingout.....haha, this one should be at the top.Some dislikes.....When people pop there gum...
Bad drivers.....
Cars that are tricked out and make a shitload of noise but don't go
fast, what's the point man? Really.
People who change lanes with no signal
this ones got a bunch so ill add more later.width="425" height="350" ..
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I'm interested in all music. When it's an expression of self. I'm into that...... LOVE BON-JOVI, QUEENS OF THE STONAGE... JIMMI HENDRIX, BOB MARLEY, THE STONES , RED HOTT CHILLI PEPPERS, G & R , AEROSMITH, CARLOS SANTANA, 2 PAC, BIGGIE, WU-TANG CLAN, ICE CUBE, SNOOP, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Chris Daughtry, James MUTHA FUCKIN Brown (R.I.P.)................................. GEOFF ANTONIO AND THE ILL FUNK NATION !!!!! Pretty much anything, really.
Saw, Saw 2, Saw 3, Pirates of the Carabian, Fight Club, How High, Spiderman 1 & 2, Sid & Nancy, A home at the end of the world, Swingers, Scarface, Shreck 1 & 2, The Crow.....etc
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LOST, Grey's , the simpsons, family guy.... ... width="425" height="350" ..
Where the red fern grows.........Choke, Fight Club, Lulaby, The ammityville horror, THe spider and the Fly.
MOm and Dad, Cindy, Ashley,. MY MOMMA CARMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!RICHARD..... ( FREE THE CHARD:)