I look into a band that doesn't exist:
Here is music for music sake.
Not ego driven, career drive, or money driven.
Art on a sonic canvas.
A fusion of metal, rock, electronica, dark wave, and sadistic sonic surgery.
A sonic metalic exploration.
Here it is the art speaks.
The band need not.
Statement: There is a certain subset of musicians who for reasons unknown adhere to the false premise that "electronic" music or the tools involved imply a lack of creativity or inspired performance. Technology in the hand creative, intelligent individuals is a tool for art, not a hindrance. Audiotopsy, being being members of the current mellennia, admit freely to the use of such devices. (Filter - Shourt Bus - 1995)
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Member Since: 12/25/2006
Band Website: Unknown
Band Members: Unknown- Guitars, Programing, Backing Vocals