i do love to eat and will challenge anyone to an eating contest! who has ever eaten an in-n-out burger in 30 seconds besides me? my favorite foods are pickles, french fries, sushi, and of course -- POPCORN...but not all together! sometimes i choose to go to the movies for the popcorn, not the movie. how can you resist that fake butter drizzling down your popcorn. and if i'm at home, it's all about the homemade popcorn over the stove in the pot. oh yeah!! but no sharing for me...you better get your own tub, my friends!
i'm in doctorate school right now, and have just 1 month left now...holy cow. where has time gone? oh wait, i remember now. aiya!! the first 3 months of my internship was at an adult acute rehab hospital, and my last 3 months are at CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL OF OAKLAND at their SPORTS MEDICINE clinic...anyone that knows me knows how perfect a position that is for me! it combines 2 of my passions: children and sports! whoooo-hoooo!!! i'm still excited, but it is a love-hate relationship. i think it's fabulous and my clinical instructors ROCK, but i feel like i'm in way over my head! i do feel absolutely lucky though! what i'm learning is absolutely priceless! my friend, dr. wong, said that i'm allowed to feel stupid for 3 weeks, so i don't feel so bad! this is the only sports med clinic in northeran california for children!!!
i'm 29 now...and still not looking forward to turning 30! but by then i should have a rad job in PT somewhere...i'm not too sure where as of now! i'm open to anywhere, especially home, but it is nice to be away from the DRAMA...and anyone who knows so-cal knows about the drama!
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