;;Millie Antoinette profile picture

;;Millie Antoinette

Fuck rehab, let's party!

About Me

Yes, I am a consumer whore.
REWRITE TIME! Yes folks, it's that time again! Okay, where to start... voyons, voyons... Lets start at the basics! I'm Russian, if you couldn't tell by my totally bizarre good looks (da fux, I know.) Umm... I'm a twice published poet, though I have absoloute zero faith in my writing. I am going to write a screenplay soon about a struggling band, and I'm hoping it'll be a nice launching pad for me. Don't let that fool you, though! I also want to be a musician, and gymnast... and a tap-dancing kangaroo, considering how random my ambitions are. I am single, and satisfied in that, considering I (for some totally bizarre reason) have no crushes right now, but if the right person came around I would love to start something. I feel like I don't know the people around me well enough, so make plans with me!! Take me out! -dances randomlyy- I am totally obsessed with my appearance, even though I don't look that great, because I realize how important it is to how the people around me view... me. I figure, I'd rather be known as the kid who goes to the bathroom to powder his nose than the ugly kid. Hmm... now I have to try and degenerate this mini-bio into a list of random things about me... meh, screw it. ...oh, yeah! And I love all music.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You (Unless you're mean ;_;)


Sean Lennon, t.A.T.u., Flyleaf, From First To Last, OK Go, the Sounds, Courtney Love


V for Vendetta, the Ring, Chapter 27


One Piece, Degrassi, House of Carters, Tru Calling, Dynasty

My Blog


So many awesome peoples' birthdays went by (due to Valentine's Day being a good time to boink some crazazy bitches, most of which rock and make my pants tighten :/) so a collective HAPPY BIRTHDAY to~T...
Posted by That Was Then, This Is Crunk on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:15:00 PST