Michigan Hardcore profile picture

Michigan Hardcore

I believe in me

About Me

Since the +/- records/Michigan Hardcore site has been dead for about two years, the Michigan scene hasn't had a good resource for shows/bands/contacts in one convenient spot. So I decided to make a profile that will serve as an accurate and up-to-date list of shows and bands all around Michigan.
Also please message me info on upcoming shows and comment with the fliers so I can add them but if you are going to send me info on a show you want me to put in the calendar please include ALL info, bands playing, name of venue, address, time of doors and cost, thank you! If you have any ideas that I can include or if you know how to design websites please get in touch.
Black Iris Booking
Coat Of Arms Records and Distro (Dearborn, MI)
The DAAC (Grand Rapids, MI)
Modern Exchange (Southgate, MI)
Refuge Skate Shop (Dearborn, MI)
Static Age Cafe (Romeo, MI)
Trumbullplex (Detroit, MI)
Skelletones (Grand Rapids, MI)
Flint Local 432 (Flint, MI)
Blind Pig (Ann Arbor, MI)
Oade's Hidden Camel (Lansing, MI)
Scrummag University (Detroit, MI)
East Of Averill (Scorched Earth Productions) (Flint, MI)
The Wesley Foundation/Dead Wait Records (Mt.Pleasant, MI)
Mac's Bar (Lansing, MI)
The Neutral Zone (Ann Arbor, MI)
The Ritz (Warren, MI)
Premier Concert Theatre (Chesterfield, MI)
Black Iris Booking
Response Booking
Levidity Entertainment
Creepshow Booking
Blue Collar Booking
Ripped Heart Productions
Justin Case Promotions
Northlawn Music Group
3358 Records
Silent Films Booking
Tri-Skull Promotions
Cut-Ups Message Board
Friction Records
Saw Her Ghost Records
Capeside Records
Search and Rescue Records
Elkion Records
Acutest Records
Truth and Justice Records
Tragic Comedy
Radio Stations
Screen Printing
Detroit Ink Screenprinting
FLint City T-Shirts
Misc. Scene Resources
Moving Saginaw Forward
Charity Music MI/A
Not My Show Sound Production
Organizations/Blogs/Resources for Activism
Loose Change
Loose Change Free DL
Sea Shepard
DIY search
Words As Weapons
American Issues
Independent Media Center
Z Mag
Consumer Federation
Human Rights Watch
Workers Rights
Ad Busters
50 Years Is Enough
Green Peace
Earth First
Doctors withour Borders
Amnesty International
Planned Parenthood
No Sweat Apparel
Sweat Shop Watch
Workers Rights Consortium
No Sweat
Sweat Free Communities
National Labor Committee
Students Against Sweatshops
Campus Activisim
Global Action Network
Citizen Works
The Nation
Move On
Micheal Moore
The Progressive
Info Shop
Crime Thinc
Shac 7
AK Press
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Corporate Information
American Civil Liberties Union
Essential Information
Center for Corporate Policy
Halliburton Watch
Progressive Directory
Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants
Punk Voter
The Innocence Project
Mix Tape pirates
At Both Ends
Bare Bones Hardcore
Indie HQ
Clear Channel Sucks
Vegan Guides
Ann Arbor Food Coop
American Library Association
Mumia Abu-Jamal's Journal
Rage Against the Machine
Critical Mass
leonard Peltier
refuse and Resist
Powells Books
Common Courage Press
State of Michigan
Detroit Free Press
9/11 Blogger
Anti-Censorship Book Your Own Fucking Life
Behind the Label
Corp Watch
Responsible Shopper
Underground Music Network
Volunteer Match
Immigration Reform
Non Profit Management
Rock The World
Volunteer Jobs
Voter Registration
Directory Of Homeless Shelters
Suicide Prevention
Sexual Abuse
Health Information
War On Drugs
Working Poor
Renewable Energy
Renewable Resources

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Fellow Michiganders


The Corporation
Loose Change Second Edition
Manufacturing Consent
Thank you For Smoking
Fahrehnheit 9/11
Bowling For Columbine
Roger and Me
Fast Food Nation
Supersize Me
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism
Control Room
Flight From Death
500 Miles to Babylon


30 Days


Wasted by Marya H.
Animal Liberation by Peter Singer
Dude Where's My Country? by Michael Moore
Stupid White Men by Michael Moore
The Vegan Sourcebook by Joanne Stepaniak
Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Patlilo-Beals
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlossler
Reefer Madness by Erc Schlossler
Mad Cowboy by Howard Lyman
1984 by George Orwell
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Animal Farm by George Orwell
A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Nickel'd and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
Get In the Van by Henry Rollins
American Hardcore by Stephen Blush
Days Of War Nights of Love
Censoring Culture by Robert Atkins
Diet For A New America by J. Robbins
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
Peace Mom: A Mothers Journey Through Heartache to Activisim by Cindy Sheehan
Will They Ever Trust Us Again? by Michael Moore
Downsize This by Michael Moore
House of Bush, House of Saad by Craig Unger
It's A Free Country: Personal Freedom in America After 9/11 by Danny Goldberg
The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money by Dan Brody
Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror
A People's HIstory of the United States: 1492-Present by Howard Zinn
50 Ways to Fight Censorship by Dave March
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave by Frederick Douglas
Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry Thoreau
Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women by Susan Faludi
Power at Play: Sports and the problem of Masculinity by Michael A. Messner
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Portrait of and Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
You Can't Win by Jack Black
How the Other Half Lives by Jacob A. Riis
Fahrenheit 451: The Temperature At Which Book Paper Catches Fire and Burns by Ray Bradburg
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen
Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein
Dispatches by Michael Herr
Women Race and Class by Angela Y. Davis
Black Boy: American Hunger A Record of Childhood and Youth by Richard Wright
V for Vendetta by Alan Moore
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse by Leonard Peltier
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo
Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman
Breaking Open the Head by Daniel Pinchbeck
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman
Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto by Chuck Klosterman
The Problem of Civilization by Derrick Jensen
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn