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MYSPACE...... Where do I start with telling you about myself? On the real, I'm a very fun person to be around.... I fear God in its totality and live for Him to the best of the ability He gives me to.... I'm not so saved that I don't understand and realize that people make mistakes. Because we are human we are so subject to error.. Now that doesn't give us lead way to live like hell and then die and go to hell... Anyway thats a whole other story... Anywho I'm considered nice, sweet, considerable, and whatever good word you want to come up with... I understand when you have friends, through my experience in relationships, you have to take them as who they are to you and never take them for granted neither withhold any vital information, whether it can hurt them or satisfy them.... Be on the up and up.... I enjoy being a barber and cutting men hair... Anyway if you stop by my page and find yourself reading this and want to know more, hit me up and you'll see if this is all you get or if I'll share more.... God bless and be good
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics