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"Scream in your brain: it's possible to hear"

About Me


2ut is a music project (2004) composed of two permanent members opened to cooperation, always stimulating, from other musicians. We prefer to use the word “project” as the band was born thanks to the ideas, thoughts and challenges from different musicians who come from other groups already on the move.
What we wanted, from the very beginning, was to improvise on some bases which would become the bones of our current themes. The improvisations made us realise that the band members reached the highest musical coordination through electronic fusion, musical mattresses and atypical instruments (unseen, up to now, in our city’s musical scene) such as the stick.
So, the result achieved would be the creation of linear tunes with aggressive beats, with glimpses of the obvious influence of artists like Radiohead, king Crimson, Peter Gabriel...
We think that the jamming and the continuous discovery are more inspiring than the sticking to one single style or group. Only in this way can we express different emotional states through the features of the sound stimulation.
We’d highlight the character and the significance of our songs using the silences, extremely in charge of enriching some passages of our musical works.
At the end of the day, we want to express ourselves and communicate with sounds, melodies and instruments.
2ut és un projecte musical (2004) format per dos components fixos i obert a la col•laboració, sempre enriquidora, d’altres músics. Preferim emprar el terme “projecte” atès que el grup va néixer gràcies a les idees, pensaments i reptes de diferents músics procedents d’altres formacions musicals ja iniciades.
El que desitjàvem, des d’un principii, era treballar a partir d’unes bases improvisades que esdevindrien l’esquelet dels temes actuals. Les improvisacions ens van fer veure que els components arribàvem a la màxima compenetració musical a través de la fusió electrònica, els matalassos musicals i els instruments atípics (inusitats, fins ara, en l’escena musical de la nostra ciutat) com l’stick.
Així doncs, el resultat aconseguit seria la creació de melodies lineals amb compassos agressius, deixant entreveure, d’entrada, un clara influència d’artistes com Radiohead, King Crimson o Peter Gabriel.
Pensem que resulten més enriquidores l’experimentació i la descoberta contínua que l’acomodament a un sol estil o grup musical. Només d’aquesta manera, podem expressar diferents estats emocionals mitjançant les característiques de l’estímul sonor.
Destacaríem la peculiaritat i la significància dels nostres temes quant a l’ús dels silencis, encarregats d’enriquir, de forma extrema, alguns passatges de les nostres obres musicals.
En definitiva, pretenem expressar-nos i comunicar-nos a través dels nostres sons, melodies i instruments.
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My Interests


Member Since: 12/24/2006
Band Members: Macc: Guitarres, stick, synte, fx’s.

Pas-q: Guitarres, baix, synte, QY70, veu.
Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Porcupine tree, Police, King Crimson, The Beatles, Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, Stone Roses, Led Zeppelin, The who, Muse, Coldplay, Camel, Yes, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, Eels, Kula Shaker, Ben Harper, Suede, Pulp, Los Piratas.

I made this MySpace MP3 Player at MyFlashFetish.com .

THOM YORKE - Videotape (live)

Sounds Like:

AMT - Tribute to the Beatles

(uncensored version)

Record Label: AMT Records
Type of Label: None