Music, exercise, art, photography,WW2 history, hockey, comedy, movies, live shows, A night out for drinks, intimacy, games (regular and video, screw the headgames), history, other artists, rain, snow, ice, wind, oddly enough gardening, Thai food, Speaking my mind and hearing yours.And... my sweetheart Kelly.
Fun, funny and honest folks with no fear of expressing themselves. Intelligence scores extra points. Close minded political ignorance gets ZERO pints.Um, you get yer news from Fox? Don't start.
Pixies, Beatles, Radiohead, Coldplay, Flaming Lips, Grandaddy, Devo, Paperchase, Baboon, Polyphonic Spree, Pleasant Grove, Theater Fire, Centromatic, Baptist Generals, Record Hop, The Clash, Adam and the Ants, Oingo Boingo, Old 97's, Johnny Cash, Stones, Deathray Davies, Man or Astroman?, Dooms UK, Midlake, Neutral Milk Hotel, Bobgoblin, Adeventures of Jet, Brutal Juice, FUnland, Legendary Crystal Chandelier, The Happy Bullets, Reverend Horton Heat, Pleasure Club, James Hall, Lift to Experiance, Little Grizzly, OHNO, DARYL, Toadies, Burden Brothers, Sorta, Sparrows, Nirvana, Art of Noise, Kraftwerk, El Gato, Fugazi, Butthole Surfers, Morphine, WHite Stripes, Tripping Daisy, Corn Mo, Beck, Talking Heads, Tom Waits, The Might Be Giants, Bad Brains, Frank Black, Breeders, Of Montreal, Air, Weezer...
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Fight Club, All Monty Python, American Beauty, Baraka, The Shining, Alien, SLC Punk, Bottle Rocket, Bowling for Columbine, Raising Arizona, Rushmore, Lost in Translation, Donnie Darko, Zoolander, The Jerk, Shaun of the Dead, Farenheit 911, The Big One, Roger and me, Saving Pvt. Ryan, Ed Wood, About Schmit, The Fog of War, 28 Days Later, 12 Monkeys, Everything Star Wars (I still can't stand that damn kid Vader crap in the first of the new trilogy.), Close Encounters, The Wall, Jaws, The Triplettes of Belville.
Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, Home Movies, Sealab 2021, Space Ghost C2C, MST 3k, Letterman, Conan O' Brian, SNL, Arrested Development, Frontline, Now, Nova, Aquateen Hunger Force, Family Guy, UCB, Strangers with Candy, Kids in the Hall, CSPAN, Cheap Seats, My Name is Earl, the Office, Dallas Stars Games, Robot Chicken, Squidbillies, Tom goes to the Mayor, Mr. Show, Intervention. Reality TV makes my brain bleed, I effing hate everything about it unless it is true reality TV and not contrived BS that is on TV to shock, embaress or cause distress intentionally. I am more of of documentary person.
Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell them, The Stand, It, LOTR, Stupid White Men, America the Book.
John Lennon, Ralph Nader, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Frank Black and Al Franken