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72 hours of grey

About Me

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Cabe Booth is a Dallas based painter and illustrator specializing in photo realism.
Click to see this listing nowI am a Dallas native. In my teenage years I have been a National Junior Olympic Fencer for 4 years and a DJ for KNON in the 80's (at the time I was the youngest DJ in the country) with a show called Audio Abuse. During those years I spent my free time skateboarding at the clown ramp with other local Dallas skaters (Phillips, Hollenbeck, Roach, Wilkes, Craig Johnson ect.) and hanging out at the Twilight Room (and all its incarnations) and Theater Gallery.
After graduating from Lake Highlands High School I spent 2 years at UT in Austin attempting my horrendous mistake of business school. After the University politely asked me to leave in 1989 I spent a year in Dallas before deciding on a career in art. I arrived in Denton in 1990 and enrolled in the visual art school there. While in Denton I joined the infamous Delta Lodge. I spent most of my time organizing concerts at the house or in the backyard with bands like Vibrolux, Hagfish, Tripping Daisy, Brutal Juice and Baboon with quite a bit of time upstairs drinking Natural Light and smoking Basic cigarettes in my room while doing large paintings or murals in the house. In 1991 I was given the task of booking Fry Street Fair, a job I continued to do until 2004. I have always treasured that job and feel it was one of the most important things I have ever had the pleasure of being involved with. But as all things do, it has changed over the years and different forces came into play which eventually convinced me to voluntarily step down from the job in 2004 to allow the younger kids at the Delta Lodge to enjoy the thrill of booking the event like I had enjoyed for so many years. I graduated in 1995 with a BFA in Fine Arts and moved back to Dallas to work in band management and booking. I was the booking agent for Love Swing, Vibrolux and Tablet for 2 years or so until the bands either moved on or signed with major label. After that I returned to concentrating on my art. After a couple years of mild depression and little work, the Curtain Club called me to start doing band portraits for the new venue. Starting in 1998 I began painting detailed portraits of many Dallas headliners. Since starting I have painted well over 150 portraits for the club which now coat the walls inside. Using a style of broken wood panels I also began creating large multi panel images of aircraft and flight, mainly centering on WW2 aviation. In 2003 I was offered the job of doing large 4'x4' portraits at what is now Nokia Theater in Grand Prairie. This added client finally allowed me to become self-sufficient as an artist (something I never thought possible). Since starting at Nokia I have painted over 250 autographed panels including artists such as Ringo Starr, White Stripes, Elvis Costello, Chris Rock, Willie Nelson and many more (If you see a band playing there, then there is a 99.9% chance they have a portrait. All of these paintings unfortunately are hung in the backstage area and not visible to the public. I do wish that my friends and family could view them as easily as the Curtain Club works.
In 2000 I also started booking again at the Curtain Club, at first full time and them taking on only Thursdays to allow me to set up a more solid lineup that focused on the Metroplex's most talented bands such as Pleasant Grove, Paperchase, Lift to Experience, Centromatic, Little Grizzly, Baptist Generals and others along that vein, but I have since retired from booking bands.. In February 2002 I quit drinking and didn't touch a drop until October of 2003. During that time I removed myself from my booking responsibilities to allow myself a sober environement. Those 20 months were very important to me getting my brain back and a healthy approach to drinking and moderation (I still like to "get polluted", but I space it out). Now that I am back in the bars, it is much more enjoyable and responsible situation.
During the sober time I worked on the Howard Dean's presidential campaign helping organize the layout and security for his Dallas speech in front of city hall.
Today I live in a duplex in the Lakewood area of Dallas. I tend to frequent Lakewood Landing down the block, but I also enjoy Doublewide, Meridian Room, Fallout Lounge and the Cavern. Deep Ellum has lost it's luster to me after 20 or so years of being down there and I seek less stagnant haunts to spend my time. I have my art studio in my home and love to play video games on my smoking PC, harass my 2 cats and smooch on Kelly my girly girl. Other than that, life is pretty simple......... Hope all this crap doesn't sound like I am tooting my own horn, just wanted to actually write about myself. I just thought a life history would be the best way to describe the whole crazy mess.
Recently I added 2 new venues that I do portraits for, PIzza Hut Park in Frisco and the new Palladium Ballroom in Dallas. On average I have been painting 10 portraits a month. With the additon of these 2 venues my workload is going to be around 15-25 paintings a month. So I am a busy boy these days. So I might see you at my funeral, since it seems that is the only time I am going to get to relax.
Anyways, visit my rarely updated website at
If you don't watch this video I will put pennies in your ass..
Get this video and more at
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

Music, exercise, art, photography,WW2 history, hockey, comedy, movies, live shows, A night out for drinks, intimacy, games (regular and video, screw the headgames), history, other artists, rain, snow, ice, wind, oddly enough gardening, Thai food, Speaking my mind and hearing yours.And... my sweetheart Kelly.

I'd like to meet:

Fun, funny and honest folks with no fear of expressing themselves. Intelligence scores extra points. Close minded political ignorance gets ZERO pints.Um, you get yer news from Fox? Don't start.


Pixies, Beatles, Radiohead, Coldplay, Flaming Lips, Grandaddy, Devo, Paperchase, Baboon, Polyphonic Spree, Pleasant Grove, Theater Fire, Centromatic, Baptist Generals, Record Hop, The Clash, Adam and the Ants, Oingo Boingo, Old 97's, Johnny Cash, Stones, Deathray Davies, Man or Astroman?, Dooms UK, Midlake, Neutral Milk Hotel, Bobgoblin, Adeventures of Jet, Brutal Juice, FUnland, Legendary Crystal Chandelier, The Happy Bullets, Reverend Horton Heat, Pleasure Club, James Hall, Lift to Experiance, Little Grizzly, OHNO, DARYL, Toadies, Burden Brothers, Sorta, Sparrows, Nirvana, Art of Noise, Kraftwerk, El Gato, Fugazi, Butthole Surfers, Morphine, WHite Stripes, Tripping Daisy, Corn Mo, Beck, Talking Heads, Tom Waits, The Might Be Giants, Bad Brains, Frank Black, Breeders, Of Montreal, Air, Weezer...
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Fight Club, All Monty Python, American Beauty, Baraka, The Shining, Alien, SLC Punk, Bottle Rocket, Bowling for Columbine, Raising Arizona, Rushmore, Lost in Translation, Donnie Darko, Zoolander, The Jerk, Shaun of the Dead, Farenheit 911, The Big One, Roger and me, Saving Pvt. Ryan, Ed Wood, About Schmit, The Fog of War, 28 Days Later, 12 Monkeys, Everything Star Wars (I still can't stand that damn kid Vader crap in the first of the new trilogy.), Close Encounters, The Wall, Jaws, The Triplettes of Belville.


Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, Home Movies, Sealab 2021, Space Ghost C2C, MST 3k, Letterman, Conan O' Brian, SNL, Arrested Development, Frontline, Now, Nova, Aquateen Hunger Force, Family Guy, UCB, Strangers with Candy, Kids in the Hall, CSPAN, Cheap Seats, My Name is Earl, the Office, Dallas Stars Games, Robot Chicken, Squidbillies, Tom goes to the Mayor, Mr. Show, Intervention. Reality TV makes my brain bleed, I effing hate everything about it unless it is true reality TV and not contrived BS that is on TV to shock, embaress or cause distress intentionally. I am more of of documentary person.


Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell them, The Stand, It, LOTR, Stupid White Men, America the Book.


John Lennon, Ralph Nader, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Frank Black and Al Franken

My Blog

Check out this event: Cabe's 21st.... err um 38th B-day party

Hosted By: Cabe BoothWhen: Saturday Jul 28, 2007 at 8:00 PMWhere: Double wide Bar3510 Commerce StDallas, TX 75226United StatesDescription:Cabe Booth Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Cabe on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 04:09:00 PST

Check out this event: Lake Highlands 87 20th Reunion

Hosted By: Marc OdenheimerWhen: Sunday Oct 14, 2007 at 7:30 PMWhere: Bank Of America PlazaDowntownDallas, TX United StatesDescription:Marc Odenheimer Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Cabe on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:57:00 PST

You have 32,5447 friends. Please add me!

To random folks who request an add and have over 10,000 friends....... Don't. WTF? Is this some sort of race? I rmember when you called someone a "friend" you knew who they were or at least spoke to ...
Posted by Cabe on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 02:00:00 PST

My mini-play I wrote for a news story about idiots. Yay!

A Corporate Idiot Play by Cabe Booth   (24 hours earlier, in a Tower o Power) Corporate sponsor guy: I think we need to display our product prominently, I mean we are the sponsors what should we ...
Posted by Cabe on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 01:19:00 PST

Art opening this Monday. Plz re-post!

Please repost this to help promote my art show on Monday. Thanks!-Cabe  ...
Posted by Cabe on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 02:19:00 PST

PC game (Very cool and addictive)

I have been playing this free PC game for the last 2 weeks. It is so addictive I can't stop. It is a Medieval Combat game, but it is from first person. You are on your horse ect. with all your troops....
Posted by Cabe on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 11:42:00 PST

My girlfriend

She puts up with my moods and shit and has a sweet arse bootay.   But other than that I love her very much. Shhhh. She doesn't know it.     Because I suck at showing her how much I do....
Posted by Cabe on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 02:43:00 PST

So.... retarded much?

Ok to start, I never voted for Clinton. I voted Perot both times. In fact, only voted Democratic 2 times. My first vote was Dukakis, all i knew is I didn't want ex-CIA or Reagan admin in office. The S...
Posted by Cabe on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 01:03:00 PST

Gaming anyone?

Ok let's be frank,Not that guy Frank...... I mean "be to the point" (unless your name is Frank then please still follow the directions. I am looking at you Campagna) I love games. I have played them s...
Posted by Cabe on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 05:11:00 PST

my b-day party

Whew. My effing body hurts. Thanks to everyone who came out to my b-day party last night. I had a blast. Want to also apologise to anyone I blew by or made drunken inane comments to. Ya see, me and t...
Posted by Cabe on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 05:00:00 PST