Look down a little bit, the previous releases section is slowly being populated. Be patient.
Sweet! but you didn't really answer the question, what is this?
Oh right, these songs are all part of a new experiment. I am writing an entire album within one week. (5 days really) Something along the vein of The Rescue by Explosions in the Sky or Reznor's new Ghosts project.
What are you trying to accomplish with this?
I could write some giant artistic vision here, but that is really bullshit. I'm writing music during the day in order to prevent myself from being incredibly bored. I have a week off of work and access to a laptop and a keyboard. So I may as well create something.
You are better at guitar than piano asshole, put guitar on these tracks!
Yeah, I know. But I didn't bring my guitar with me when I recently moved, so give some time on that.
Is this or any of your other stuff going to be for sale?
Yeah, I'll get around to redoing this page with some paypal gateways and such for the old Confused Flight EP (I have about 15 left) as well as maybe some nifty fancy packaging for this new stuff. Stay tuned for that. Full downloads of all of my music will always be free however.
Since I'm not a big rockstar, I can't make myspace allow me to put up a ton of songs at once, so I will just post direct links to all of my previous work here.
All of the following songs are hosted on my personal webspace, if you or someone you know would like to donate some space for either a .zip of an entire album or each of the individual tracks it would be greatly appreciated. Get in touch.
01_north becomes west
02_stop writing songs about california
03_both sides have heros (demo)
The Confused Flight EP (2006)
01_princeton observatory
02_regret that makes us
03_all this time
05_interlude (north)
06_the last question
Minutes and Moments LP (2004)
01_the stars don't inspire
02_electromagnetic pollution
03_relevant and without roles
05_james immortal
06_we're stumbling in
08_a thousand floating lines
09_no distance at all
10_almost on time
11_cops and robbers...
Interesting in helping out? That is really cool, thanks! If you'd like to spread the word about my music or this project or my new haircut or how Canada is better than the USA (or vice versa) theres a few ways you can do it.
Write something
The best way, other than actually speaking to someone about my music is to write about it. Write a review, post a blog, comment your friends who dig this kind of music. Whatever you do, let me know because I'd love to see it. If anyone is interested in writing a review for a magazine or other such publication get at me for a one-sheet and/or a promo copy of any of the cds.
Top Friends!
Everyone looks at your top friends right? Well that'll help more people see what I'm doing. Even if you just switch it up for a day most of your friends are probably curious enough to click and check out the tunes.
Burn CDs
All of my music is free to distribute for a reason, I'm not trying to make a living from this I'm just trying to create something and hopefully have others enjoy it. If you know someone who would like my music, Burn a cd for them. I'm all for people hearing the music, so burn as many cds as you'd like. Free music for all!
Other sites:
Yeah, I made profiles all over the place, but this is the prettiest so tell people about this one, but if you have an account on iLike or Facebook you can add ggc there as well.
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