Carpe Diem profile picture

Carpe Diem

Fair Enough

About Me

I like: Martini Bianco on-the-rocks, Bacon Twinuts, sweet white wines, Gin-Kas, Smirnoff-Ice... and on a less alcoholic point of view: freshly made orange juice on a boat; travels, Baths, when my cat comes and wakes me up purrrrrrin' in the morning, sunsets, the sound of the sea and of waves breaking on rocks, the beauty of sharks, the power of dreams, ballads in mountain in summer -flies excluded-, English language and humour, skiing -when there are not hords of chidren just in front of me, moreover skiing much better than me-, Bayonne, my job, orienteering sports, Bernard Laporte's accent, falling asleep while listening to the sweet music I love, looking at/listening to my dog when she 's dreaming, "les boums vétos" (Gio, you're my best drinkin'friend), waking up to the sound of sheeps except at 5AM -though-, green mint Marocan-like tea and tea in general above all in fairy castles, the shirts of the A.J.Auxerre football players, the smell of amber, going and fetching postal mail, Biarritz, ......... ............................................................ ....................I dislike: Demagogy, impotence in front of nature strenght, artichokes, "Swear on the Bible", the sound of chalk on blackboards, the view some American people have upon the -rest of the- world, bad faith, when my cat comes and wakes me up miaowing very early in the morning ... ............................................................ .....................I'm moved by: Beautiful landscapes, Matthew Bellamy's voice,beloved persons'kind words and thoughtfulness, children's smiles ...........................................................I can't bear: Injustice ( might help) , reggae, useless shouts, fog sheets
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My Interests

My friends; my family; music; travels; Euskadi; hammam; chocolate, rhubarb pies...

I'd like to meet:

Jeff Buckley, just him and me, in Sin-é bar in NYC; James Coburn, horse-riding in Arizona; AT, and MB (again); Matt Dilon, anywhere; Ines Sastre, to chek up if she's also very clever (in which case, I sue Life); Nick Valensi...


Jeff God Buckley, Muse, Alex Turner's bands, Colour of Fire, The Strokes, dEUS, Owen B.Richards, Zita Swoon, Mike Newsham, Jimmy Hendrix, Arctic Monkeys, Razorlight, The Subways, Nirvana, Beatles, Hot Hot Heat, Syd Matters, Archive, The Zutons, The Arcade Fire, Lauryn Hill, Kim Deal, Radiohead, Aphex Twin, Marbled, Bo$$ Caine, Jamie Cullum, Degrassi, Paul Mac Cartney, Mogwai, Keren Ann, Holly Taymar, Peter Von Poehl, Air, M83, Sebastien Schuller, Dyonisos, Eiffel, Saez, Jeronimo, Boby Lapointe, Aliens On Strike, Erik Satie, Miles Davis, Ennio Morricone... And I can't help dancing whenever I hear Billie Jean Also... .. width="425" height="306" ....
Aha - Take On Me
Uploaded by INDIEN94


Seven, Usual Suspects, For a fistful of dynamite, Cool Hand Luke, Lost in translation, Virgin Suicide, Memento, Yellow Submarine, Gone with the wind, Twelve angry men, Fight club, Leaving Las Vegas, Rear Window, Dances with Wolves, The Boxer, Out of Africa, Sean Connery's James Bond, Indiana Jones (above all the third), Harry Potter, The Incredibles, The Big Blue, Les Tontons flingueurs, most Louis de Funes'movies, The Mysterious Golden Cities


Dr Shepperd...? ;-)


Victor Hugo-"Les contemplations", "Quatre-vingt treize"; Prévert-"Paroles"; Barjavel-everyhting! (above all "La nuit des temps" and "Ravage"); Cormac Mac Carthy - "So beautiful horses" and followings; Sigmünd Freud - "Three essays about sexual theory"; Simone de Beauvoir and L.P.Bost -"Crossed correspondence; 1937-1940"; Italo Calvino - "K", "The perched baron"...; Karen Blixen-"Out of Africa" and her autobiography; Bill Watterson- "Calvin and Hobbes": great!; Merry Cyr- "Jeff Buckley- a whished for song"; Norberto Fuentes - "Ernest Hemingway rediscovered"; Alex Robinson - "Box office poison" (comics) VERY GOOD! READ IT! (many pictures, and written in big letters!); Matthew McIntosh - "Well"; Didier Van Cauvelaert - "Out of me" Dan Brown; Gary Larson- The far side galleries (comics) EXCELLENT!!!!


indeed, my sweety A., Lino Ventura, Gary Larson, Mickael Jordan, Carl Lewis, Rodin, Victor Hugo, my french-latin-greek teacher @college, some veterinary surgeons I met, ... and Jeff God Buckley

My Blog

Turkish Holidays :-) :-) :-)

Great great great time in Cappadoce, in the center of Turky Horse-riding, sunset in the mountain, rivers, "desert-like" places... A tremendous piece of magic and dream... Some pics for you to see are...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:22:00 PST

A few news of the past few months down here...

Hi!   It's been a quite long time since I last posted some news on here... One whole year, that is, just checked!! So, let's go! Actually, work kept me more than busy (still does, as a fact!...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 12:44:00 PST

quelques nouvelles du front

Bonjour tout le monde,   I realize that it's been a while I'Ve not written anything down here dealing with what I've been up to recently... So, here we go! Actually... worked, worked... and work...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:29:00 PST

On the field...

Bonjour à tous/toutes, here are a few pictures of the places I've been through lately, when driving / been driven for my job... Mostrly places I'd never seen before, actually! La Rochelle: In Dordog...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 04:12:00 PST

Beginnin' of a new life...

Hi everybody... [salut Ana ;-) ], In case you should be wondering what I've been up to recently, here we go... Actually, I just started a very new job by the middle of january. I'm now work...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 04:00:00 PST

petit message

Hi anyone, just a few words to tell you that, for several reasons (amongst which my new job beginning, and also a not-so-full-of-beans current mood), I guess I might not be on the internet very often,...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 07:00:00 PST


THE so-waited-for gig in Toulouse, Le Zenith, was on last October the 30th. Sunny day... already good to start with (and rather convenient for long-lasting queueing).Great gig, once again. Tremendous ...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 03:15:00 PST

Holy Days

Since my job in Calais stopped (in the beginning of october), several changes occured... the good one being that I'm on holidays!  Thus, here's a kind of photographic sum up of what I've bee...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 02:49:00 PST

In Wonderland

Profited by my last days in the deep North to go to England again. Short trip, but good one! (beginning of october'06) One day in OXFORD... Never seen it before: very very cute, loved it. Shame I miss...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 07:19:00 PST

Birthday WE

 Had a tremendous WE by the end of august... like walks in the surroundings, birthday party, drinks, so-called fireworks (rather searching head missils, Zym, perhaps...?), ... ... and a love boat...
Posted by Carpe Diem on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:15:00 PST