drums, true friends and friendship, family (not just blood, I was honored to be given a chance and accepted into a new one; The Saints of Pain), playing for an audience, music, having a good time, living life to the fullest, video games, computers, the opposite sex..lol..(I mean lets be honest and truthful. Without the/you ladies....there wouldn't be us.)..lol, this definetly and especially applies to the fans as a whole (without you, there wouldn't be this, us, or the good times..."PERIOD"!!!!!!!!)
anyone and everyone with a positive attitude cause I can't stand to be surrounded with negativity, any female with a spontanious outlook that's not afraid to have fun by taking chances and ready to grab life by the "kee-hoe-nays"..lol or just for the moments, someone with a firm grasp of sense of reality, and definately all the musicians i can (list WAY TOOOOOO LONG to type) and definately this person, to give her, her props and high 5's...--Layout made by a href="http://www.skem9.com/
My intrests in music, is like my drumming, i like to be versitile and not be close minded and stick to one type of genre. Depending on the mood I'm in will dermine not only what I listen to, but, also how my day begins....(wierd huh???)
I'll just name a few in both boxes as so you get an inkling of my likes; The Boondock Saints, Le pact de la loupe, Snatch, Swimming with Sharks, Pulp Fiction, Cube, The Prophecy I & II, 300(yeah i saw it), Troy, Dogma, Clerks I & II, Very Bad Things, Resivoir Dogs, The Crow (1,3 *ONLY* (2 was mediocre, and 4 sucked the biggest monkey balls)), Jay and Silent Bob S.B., Suicide Kings, Fight Club, American History X, 13 Monkeys, Die Hard (triology), Se7en, .......
Naruto ("orig" ova version), Good Times, Golgo 13, Saiyuki, The Boondocks, Bleach, south park, Titus (NEED ANOTHER SEASON), Drawn Together, Heroes, That 70's show, The Jeffersons, Family Guy, Deadwood, Carnivale, American Dad, Law and Order(all of them), OZ (dont fuckin care it ruled)......
............to be cont.(but while you wait click on this)
"Here we are, Born to be kings, We're the princes of the universe, Here we belong, Fighting to survive, In a world with the darkest powers, And here we are, We're the princes of the universe, Here we belong, Fighting for survival, We've come to be the rules of your world, I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, I have no rival, No man can be my equal.." - Queen"...We don't need another hero, we don't know the way home. All we want is life beyond...the "Thunderdome."" -Tina Tuner"...and they say that a hero can save us I'm not gonna stand here and wait. I'll hold on to the wings of an eagle, watch as we all fly away." - Chad Kreoger (AND IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE METAPHOR IN WHICH I SPEAK....DON'T EVEN BOTHER ASKIN!!!)