Ms. Jordan Amanda profile picture

Ms. Jordan Amanda

the most wild thing of all

About Me

more by more they dream thier sleep... but not me. i like to laugh a lot at life... if feels good. i love sunny days because they make me smile... and riding my bike on them for the same reason... sometimes i feel infinite and it's wonderful and frightening all at the same time...

My Interests

XOX... words with double letters... the smell of fresh cut grass... being loved... picnics... bikram yoga... turning in circles... stepping on crunchy leaves... saying hello to strangers... swimming with the fishes... tempura ice cream... laying in bed and just being... sushi... all kinds of tea... Vanessa... Maggie... katie cup cake... guitar... smiling for no reason... laughing the loudest... bike riding... baking treats... perfecting cookies... making music.... tattoos... enjoying being me... dancing in my room... birthdays... fun things... life in general. XOX

I'd like to meet:

life xox


strangles...pixies...sly and the family stone...depeche mode...the kills...kings of leon...the rebel motorcycle club...the police...talking heads...james green...ella fitzgerald...billie holiday...marvin gaye...bright eyes...air...the the drive in...muse... the beatles... the clash...elton john...donovan...lou reed...velvet jorge...the specials...the zombies...of montreal...morrissey...blondie...van morrison...madonna...belle and sebastian...B52's...david bowie...clap your hands say yeah...spoon...broadcast...air...manman...thelonious monk...and anything else that makes me happy.


edward sciccorhands "hold me... i can't" the big lebowski, pulp fiction, rushmore, fight club, back to the future I II and III, city of lost children, welcome to the doll house, taxi driver, where the buffalo roam, lock stock and two smoking barrels, life aquatic with steve zissou.. and really anything with bill murry oh how i love him, we're going to get married xox


simpsons, even though there starting to lack something, im either a devoted fan or a fool and family guy.... soooo good


the thief of always (you must read that book), mother night, king rat, the world according to garp, different dances, geek love,the blind assassin, the edible woman,imagica, the dune seriers, breakfast of champions, the garden of eden, just to name some.


james brown, he makes everyone want to get up.... my sister, she's always smiling and has the ability to make my heart so happy. xox

My Blog


currently enjoying life and the sun today... i hope everyone enjoys; days like these, friends like mine, and thier life in general... xox
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:11:00 PST

let me tell you a story

driving along in my automobile... on the 57 N on my way to school at about 8.36 this morning... singing in my car to marvin gaye, heard it through the grape vine, might I add amazing song to sing...
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 06:37:00 PST

march 12th my oh my

what a wonderful day... i love wonderful friends that make me smile... antoinette... and my bff mos def... seriously sunny days make life wonderful... mmm hmmm if this glorious weather continues....
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 03:41:00 PST

two thousand and seven new years resolutions...

2006 what a non drug induced wild ride, bike riding, picnicing, dancing on the beach, almost learning spanish, sweating out of pores i didn't know existed (wow that sounds pretty gross), being with th...
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 07:36:00 PST

you can't

spell chirstmas with out christ... but he also isn't the one that squeezes down the chimmney to give you gifts... hmmm santamas?
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 05:26:00 PST

Why I hate clam chowder

not only is it a hassel to get as well as; coffee, hot tea, lemonade, strawberry lemonade or arnold palmers... but tonight at work i spilt a bowl of scalding new england clam chowder on my hand.....
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:35:00 PST

even jucier...

So i recently got a power juicer... and it's pretty... FAN TAS TIC... i'm not gonna lie, it makes some pretty tasty juice... there is a set back though it takes i don't know like and hour to clean and...
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:00:00 PST

A B C it's easy as 1 2 3...

[A is for age:] 21[B is for beer of choice:] hefeweizen[C is for career:] cuerrently server... hopefully bio psych...[D is for favorite Drink:] mmm... any kind of tea[E is for essential item you use e...
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 01:15:00 PST

divided moment

In our lives people come and go and it is the people that change us that imprint somthing of themselves on us as individuals.  I am not whom i am today had it not been for everyone i've come into...
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 02:18:00 PST

MSG and orange chicken...

at two in the morning... it's pretty delicious... and then i think about what i just put into my body... eek gad... what did i do... but it was so delicious...  i'm torn... Dear MSG, what is it t...
Posted by Ms. Jordan Amanda on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 02:20:00 PST