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About Me

Anthropod. Walk upright. Four limbs, ten digits per (no webbing between them.) Male of the species.

My Interests

A plethora of them. Leave it be for now. I should lift sections of personal ads I have :) My score on The Commonly Confused Words Test :

(You scored 71% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 86% Advanced, and 60% Expert!)

You have a good understanding of intermediate and advanced commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of the intermediate and advanced level questions correct. The puzzling part of your test result is the fact that you only answered 75% or less correct in the beginner section. Fascinating.Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:

Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test ( OkCupid Free Online Dating )

I'd like to meet:



Lords Of Acid, no doubt (I don't mean the Gwenn Steph. band but she's cute.) Anything MNO related. And most things that are played at of course, I should let everyone know what is near and dear as an Anarkist ;)


Anything that isn't a waste of money. I don't like to watch a garbage flix. Really love to go to the movies with people and discuss afterwards (must be my stoner memory that makes me forget the flix toute suite apres.)


Non-fiction. Or historical fiction. Especially the works from William Manchester and Wilbur Smith. Book that just opened my eyes as to why somethings occurred and explained them is Boyd. (I had more here but was seriously rambling :)


My father. Hannibal.

My Blog

Those interested with perceptions of Etymology

An interesting observation of the english language.This ladys' primary language is not english but hearing her insights on the use of it is notable to us speakers of it.  Alway nice to hear anoth...
Posted by Tony on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:55:00 PST

Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid O'Fortuna De CARMINA BURANA

Thought you KMFDM people would like to know a little about that Naive track sample.I hope the audio  links stay up for awhile.  Definitely an interesting read/listen.....
Posted by Tony on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 02:30:00 PST

I Can't Believe It

I heard Sylvia Paggoli say "Oh Shit" on NPR today.Now that is hearlding the Olympic Games :)
Posted by Tony on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 03:24:00 PST

My, What Knockers! (for those that know what movie i'm refering to here)

Party Happy Bavarians Please Apply! (Note: you need Adobe to view the Above link) Okay folks, if your only reading this in the hopes that your dirty minds are alluding to something from the sub...
Posted by Tony on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST