my pups, my boyfriend, comics, toys, going to buy comic and toys, video games to many to say, going on trips and playing outside, swimming, mud, dinking on my fish tanks, I love animal's! I have two beard dragons, two fish tanks with to many fish to count, 4 dogs, one toad named bowie, movie that take place in space or that have robots in them
Donnie Darko, Juno, Goonies, Ah! My Goddess! the movie, Mothra, Kill Bill, The Fountain, Requime for Dream, Superman, Barbarella, tekkonkinkreet, Paprika, fast Times at Rigdemont High, devilman, Justice League of America New Frontier
Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Lost, Bleach, B U F F Y ( hush haters ), FLCL, Tenchi, Angel, Justice League Unlimited, Robot Chicken, Ghost in Shell
X-men, Runaways, Allstar Superman, Buffy, Outsders, Teen Titans, JLA, JSA, Supergirl, WONDER WOMEN