Too often we get caught up in the rat race we call life. We sacrifice our families, our friends, and those others things we value in order to make more money, meet deadlines, pay the bills, or move up the corporate ladder. Of course we all strive for financial freedom due the necesary evils of our society, but is important to keep in mind those things that we value in our lives. Too often it takes the loss of a loved one, or someone close to you getting sick to realize this. Stop taking life for granted. Enjoy your families, your friends, and take the time to laugh with them as well as cry with them.
Live life with NO REGRETS! Don't look back wishing you could of... or should of. Slow down, take a deep breath, and RELAX every now and again. Oh... and if you get a chance, jokio someone you know!
People all over the World! Anybody that is cool, can laugh, and knows how to have a good time. People that are down to earth and not full of themselves.
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The "Old Farts" which have a 5 game to 2 lead over the "Young Punks" as of 1/27/08.