(it should be interestz) i have a collection of antz on the logz (peanut butter in celery with raisonz) dating back to the 1970z. i sometimez have to travel far to get my antz on a log. i love changing dirrrrty diaperz. ok.
the man who invented the jett puffed marshmellow. i bet he's a hottzzzzy. oh yes, and martha graham- i like the way she movez. ok.
jlo. ok.
the land before time part 359. ghost busterz (marshmellow man- you know how it iz). denniz the meniz (oh flickin the mellowz). ok.
american idolz- with marshmellowz on top. ok.
bookz- i love 101 wayz to cook with marshmellowz. gotta love thoz mellowz. ok.
(heroz) the incrediblez my cousinz sarahz and graciez snuffulufagezz bizazz shazz ok.