My Daughter Seven (yes just like the number), the warm sun, horror, b-movies, pink and black, graffiti, clothes, swimming, car rides, partying, music, girls, boys, carnival rides, serial killers, hair, animals, smoking, drinking dead guy, jack and cokes and dirty martini's, electric blanklets (Yeah I said blankLets!), sleeping in, be scared, tattoos, indian food, booty shaking, reading anything by Chuck Palahnuik, railroad walking, taking flicks, cooking, rocking out, being with Seven :)
For conversation: Henry Rollins and Chuck Palahnuik, Hieronymus Bosch, Maynard. Whoever it was that stole my mojo! For a night of drinks and an horror flick: You!aim=Kat5auce
oh shit, lets just say from 1982-1990 anything that had a chainsaw, a machette, knives, strange but likely murder weapons and deranged serial killers. All things macabre
Nip/Tuck, Flavor of Love, Law and order SVU and sex in the city.
Anything and everything by Chuck Palahnuik All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque The things they carried by Tim Obrian TRy and Guide by DEnnis Cooper Right now im reading Geek Love