Anime, Movies, Sports(Go Spurs Go!), Auto Technician, Cats, Videogames, and I'd like to learn more about Outer Space/Universe
Emma Watson,Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Tobey Mcaguir(probably spelled that wrong, oh well), ummmm...Jack Black, Elija Wood(you know, the guy who played Frodo in "Lord of the Rings", the guy who looked constipated on some scenes), Tom Hanks(aight!), Steve Martin...also Samuel L. Jackson. i would also like to meet Slayer, the most coolest band ever.
Whateva, I do what I want.
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SLAYER! SLAYER! SLAYER! SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeeaaahhh, i also like Arch Enemy, Afroman , Audioslave, Blind Guardian, Beethoven, Collective Soul, Creed, Derdian, Dethklok, E.S. Posthumus, Enya, Evanescence, Godsmack, Guns & Roses, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, John Lennon, Kamelot, Kiss, Korn, Lordi, Lost Prophets, Luca Turilli, Mastodon, Megadeth, Metallica, Motograter, Motorhead, Nickelback, Oingo Boingo, Opera IX, Ozzy, Powerman5000, Quiet Riot, Rammstein, Rhapsody, Rob Zombie, Sonata Arctica, Sting, Symphony X, Tal Bachman, Therion, Twisted Sisters, Vanilla Ice, and Weird Al Yankovic. and i think thats it. Just pretty much anything that interests me.-------------Funny Cartoon... width="425" height="350" ..
Inuyasha, Family Guy, Case Closed, Dragonball Z, Grim adventures of billy and mandy, Southpark, Chappeles show, Mind of Mencia, Samurai Champloo, Yu Yu Hakusho, the History Channel.----------------Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy... width="425" height="350" ..
I would read anything that interests me.
My heroes are my Dad, Spiderman, the Hulk, Superman, and Batman!