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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

shortish. people lover... watching them and being w/ them. kid lover. thrift store treasure hunter. actress, dancer, artist, knitter. happy being on the go or just hanging out. odd love of card games. open minded. evolving.
You Are Chinese Food
Exotic yet ordinary.
People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour. What Kind of Food Are You?

My Interests

dance, drama, religious studies, knitting, beading, room decorating, psychology, procrastinating. hanging out w/ my cousins kids, chocolate. i am always interested in chocolate. and debating. debating anything. film is a good time too. and improv... and photography... and running around like a five year old from time to time. and rocking out to good music in my stick shift car (oh yeah), getting strange looks from those who drive by.

I'd like to meet:

you, ya goober! now say AIM- kitt19402


generally, put it on and i'll listen. i just love music and there are very few things i won't go with. but lately i've been on some weird kick and i listen obsessively to bjork, jacques brel, and the virgin suicides soundtrack. yoko kanno and the seatbelts rock my world. and hand me some dropkick murphy's or misfits any time. lately i've been into bittersweet music....that stuff that is achingly beautiful and somehow haunting.


way way too many to name. what i am in the mood for varies from hour to hour. i can always always always watch harold and maude.


a little more picky here... i love shows that aren't anymore like kids in the hall and mystery science theater. i like crazy animated stuff, like futurama, family guy, and aqua teen hunger force. i enjoy scrubs and two and a half men when i get to see them. and how could i neglect the daily show, colbert, and conan? oh yes, and lost. and there we have it... my tv picks!


the Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Illusions and Bridge Across Forever, both by Richard Bach. Stich n Bitch by some lady. and Beauty by Robin McKinley. Please Don't Go by Peggy Woodford. The Woman in the Wall. One Child by Torey Hayden. also, The Bell Jar. i love langston hughes and denise levertov as well. i also like reading plays, cuz i can see them however i want.


my mom, her mom, and my little brother. all the kids i work with. tom hanks for versatility, isabella duncan and martha graham for their innovation and bravery. people who are themselves with no reservations. and florence foster jenkins!!

My Blog


lie down little girl let lullabies lull you gently into peaceful slumber. quiet your noisy noisy mind- things are only as bad as you choose. lie down little girl- its a big big world and you can't ch...
Posted by kit on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 07:33:00 PST

its been a while

well.... here we are. its been so long since i've posted one of these things that i almost forgot how. i have the unfortunate problem of being a myspace lurker. i just read everybody else's posts and ...
Posted by kit on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:49:00 PST


wow... i actually have time to get online and do this. thats insane! life is too busy these days... i go to class on monday, internship tues, weds, and thurs, and then fashion bug for work on friday, ...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

there's a toad in my shower

so here we go with a funny story..... at the camp we use for the youth retreat i am a counselor for, we have large common showers with their own separate little room. so i need to take a shower o...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i had a real kansas thunderstorm today. you can literally watch the storm come over the land to you. its so different from where there are real hills. you can see it until it is a foot away, then you ...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

kansas! yay!

yay yay i'm in kansas. time for meeting fun new people at dramatherapy summer class again. call me a nerd and thats fine by me. but i must say, the campus is beautiful, the class is fun, the people a...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

thunder is amazing

lately we have been having these wonderful thunderstorms every night. they are so beautiful. and i get to go and play in the rain. i am knitting a pair of pants and they are most beautiful. then ...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

new pic-a-ture!

applaud me everyone. i have successfully hunted this damn thing down, edited it, saved it as the correct file type, and downloaded it. thats damn good when ur as comp illiterate as me. today i got...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hehe.... virginville

so not only does Pennsylvania contain intercourse and paradise and all those fun sex named towns, but it also contains virginville. not much to my surprise, it is a very small town and not even liste...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

no! scary! bad!

i received frightening news today.... they are remaking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (or Willy wonka, or whatever its called). now, i'm sure most normal people are either excited or neutral. but...
Posted by kit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST