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MySpace CodesThe Britpop In 2003 was still a big inspiration for new Piero & Valerio's songwriting while Frank performed with the Italian SkunkAnansie Official Tribute in the main Italian Clubs.
Under the influences of sour & raw sounds of Bands like Block Party,
The Strokes and Jet met three guys to give life to Revolution#9 Band in the Summer '05.
Strong of the success already gotten by the first LiveShow Valerio, Piero, Frank and a new drummer Donato decides to enter in their studiorecording to recorder their new songs in December '05. This new songs have been to futher confirmation!
In the Summer '06 star a new little Italian Tour that have once underline the originality the character and the continous growth of the band.
The Vintage sound gotten with Fuzz, Treble-Boost and TubeOverdrive united to the fancy to the creativeness and to strong R'n'r attitude of the band are synonymous of a next thing: Revolution#9________________________________________________
STANDING IN YOUR CITY: New Album Coming Soon________________________________________________________
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