All About ASHLEY:
hi. i'm ashley.
i'm... how old again?
i like my ipod.
sometimes when i'm angry i throw my phone at things./and or people.
yes, you can call me Will
i hate school.
i'm, not... emo.
i'm not sure what my favorite thing to do is, but, i like to write...a lot.
i love my cat Genevive. cutest cat in the entire world, but shes a fweaking brat! she gets more acknoledgement in this house then i do. its always "hi Ginny," or "her eyes are so pretty," or "look how beautiful her fur is". but i'll tell you one thing. shes fat. (granted the excercise has cut down on her fat, not to mention the form of her cat anerexia, which Suz is rather concerned about..i think Genevive is dying)
i'm bad at using big words without knowing their meanings. saying my life is a joke. using a robot voice. laughing loud. calling my friends "Dikey"
watch my video, it'll change your life.