nice girls, desperate pleas, silent longing, love drunk stares, idiotic rambling, awkward silence, escaping reality, girls that look like they just crawled out of bed, innocent minds, anyone that knows anything about romance, guitars, loud music, good wine, that girl i saw in the aac last week, old movies, numb body parts, love stories from old couples, sticking my pocketknife in the tires of mean people and poor drivers, npr, postsecret, oddball music, making fridge magnets, barely getting by, girls that smile alot, people that laugh for no reason, any place with an open bar or free beer, sunday dinner with my parents, putting off sex until human explosion, wondering about this wild pack of dogs that keeps coming to my house and what they do in their spare time, smart girls, oddball movies, books of any kind, fruit, licking wounds, veggies, pizza, cars that look like the person driving them doesn't have a care in the world, people that love life, people that love words, people that love people, shaving all my neighbors' pets for fun, teachers/instructors, vinyl, non attention seeking girls, anything even remotely close or struggling to be art, honesty no matter how brutal, the possibility of a female/african-american president, donuts, cupcakes, key lime pie, dives, drinking blood, and justice for all.
one day, she will figure it out.