Running, volleyball, reading history, watching History Channel documentaries (sigh...), going up high man-made structures or mountains, the beach, library, playing with Gongju (my pup)
I want to be reunited with my long-lost South American proletarian and bourgeois comrades. If you're from South America and haven't lost the chon-shim (the bucolic, rural values), add me into your chonship network right now.TK is losing sight of his OG (original gook) original values. he feels like Spidey in Part II when he was losing his vision again cuz he forgot who he is and where he came from. It's too easy to let things slide, but we gotta fight it. And it's always better if we fight it together. Call me if you want to take over this world and kick it in the teeth before it kicks you around. It's kick or be kicked. Let's do the synchronized leg-kick dance together like that Irish tap-dancing troupe; there won't be no stoppin' us now!!
80s pop and 70s disco...Have you heard of A-ha? Music with a good melody...The occasional rap such as Tupac (did you know that Tupac was named after a Peruvian hero?). Let me know if u have any old-school tracks from the likes of Miami Sound Machine, Johnny Mathis, Denise Williams, Linda Ronstadt, etc. I'll lend u my Footloose soundtrack. Anyone wanna watch Footloose together?
Rocky, Blade Runner, Spartacus, Dr. Strangelove, T3, Glory, Groundhog Day, I am Cuba, Il Postino, Life is Beautiful, Das Boot, Metropolis, El Norte, Boogie Nights, Bring It On (Not based on Bush II's life) Midnight Cowboy, Taxi Driver, Bullet in the Head, Ermo, Ciudad de Dios, Underground, and definitely all of Charlie Chaplin's films (Modern Times, Gold Rush, City Nights, etc.); Korean: Taegukgi, Peppermint Candy, "Dong-gam," - the proletarian-psycho genre.
Good Times, Diffrn't Strokes, Transformers, Gimme a Break, The History Channel!!! (I haven't watched TV for quite some time)
Crime and Punishment, The Grapes of Wrath, The Golden Harvest (San Jorge de Ilheus, a Brazilian Grapes of Wrath) A Farewell to Arms, Of Mice and Men, A Cricket in Times Square, Frankenstein, Brokenbrow, America is in the Heart
Mama Teresa, Rosa Luxembourg & Karl Liebnecht - the martyrs, Spartacus, Tupac Amaru, Fidel Castro, El Presidente Chavez de Venezuela, the immortal hero Ernesto "Che" Guevarra, but most of all my Momma.