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I am here for Friends

My Interests


+swing kids +rapture +the bled +fingerprint +i'robot +joshua fit for battle +gauge means nothing +akta angkasa +thursday +rhcp +soad +atthedrivein +incubus +boysetsfire +poisonthewell +astaticlullaby +nervewreck +orbit cinta benjamin +devilica +muse +muze +et +dft +myprecious +dayoftomorrow +galaga +page99 +marsvolta +alexisonfire +funeralforafriend +coheedandscambria +blood on wedding dress +julianatheory +daighila +shotblue +prissonersdillema +hopesfall +theaccused +at least i speak +infinite delay +kinsfolk +bloodred +blueskymile +criteria +fairweather +giveuptheghost +helicopterhelicopter +thehopeconspiracy +thejazzjune +thereputation +roy +thisdayfoward +ultimatefakebook +everytimeidie +200north +wallsofjericho.


blood in blood out (ey carnal, no baptize sermon ese)...kill bill


erm...anything that have to do with music show


"the plague of murder".. real stories of the crime back in 80's till now...erm 1 more"not without my daughter"


heroes dies too

My Blog


Posted by haq on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 12:06:00 PST


saying sorry usually is not enough.... people always said...put the past behind.... what happened if the past that makes him/her who he/she is today?? pain is unforgetfull..revenge is not my game.. so...
Posted by haq on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:59:00 PST

might be right

RULES FOR MEN 1. The Female always makes The Rules. 2. The Rules are subject to change at any time without prior notification. 3. No Male can possibly know all The Rules. 4. If the Fem...
Posted by haq on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST