one armed bandit profile picture

one armed bandit


About Me

i have a lot of serious issues my school helps me with you dont want to hear about. I also have four dogs, 13 peircings, and a sister that has like 15 betta fish in her room with separate tanks. One day, i might just have to kill them. all of them. sorry ariana.
MY SN IS useLeSsDeadpuppy IM MEEEEEEEEE!!!! yayI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Animals Chess Animals Piano Animals The female reproductive system Animals Learning new things Animals sage day high school (if only it was a boarding school, but id have to watch from the outside no offense guys) and animals

I'd like to meet:

i dont want to meet anyone unless they can tell me their favorite shape, color, and farm animal noise (has to be the noise, cant be the animal) IN PERSON. do not request me as a friend unless weve met. seriously its pissing me the fuck off. especially you old creepy men with the hair and glasses no thank you ill bet you dont even have a favorite shape so there. im not here to meet people im here to keep in touch with my friends in europe and if i already have one i might as well add people i know. and for all of you that go on myspace to meet people, you have my sympathy, and i hope you can do something about yourself at some point in your life or you should die because a really useful, intelligent, beautiful young lady could be breathing the oxygen you are wasting as you read this. i hope noone took this offensively, but i do hope that people i dont know stop adding me. thank you and high 5 + -5 for all of you who wasted your time reading this and didnt add me =D because if you read it and added me anyway, oh my god i hope there arent people that dumb out there im done bye. and thats a picture of my dead dog.


I like to listen to music, not talk about it.


i like movies if they are REALLY REALLY REALLY good, and the acting isn't poor, like most movies these days. anything overly dramatic and chick flicks really are terrible, and a shame to the human species... oh wait never mind we gave ourselves that impression years before their even were movies.


i do have to admit i enjoy watching the wonderpets. otherwise- BAD IDEA.


anything with one sentence in bold letters, maximum 10 pages, with a picture, perferably made out of cardboard and about animals.