‡ No matter what I write here...you really won't understand me. But hell, go for it.
‡ I'm one fly motherfucker!
‡ I'm self-admittedly bizarre.
‡ I have a mouth like a sailor and I don't give a shit.
‡ I have my industrial, septum, tongue, and labret pierced and my ear lobes stretched to 3/4". I also have a tattoo on my back *in my pictures* and another tattoo on my thigh. I love all of it to death.
‡ Two words: Gore and violence...you'll win my heart forever!
‡ I'm nice to almost everyone and I'm a good person to have on your side.
‡ I like health food, vitamins, herbs, and homeopathic remedies. I can fix just about anything with my remedies and I'm going to be an alternative medicine doctor.
‡ I'm nocturnal for some reason.
‡ I watch a LOT of T.V. and it's really unhealthy.
‡ I can cook better than most of those fucks with the cooking shows.
‡ I pronounce my words funny (eggs, legs, and episode mainly- though people usually find new ones as I speak).
‡ I'm extremely romantic if put into the right situation. Otherwise, well, I'm just one of the guys.
‡ My boots make up for my lack of height but I'd rather be barefoot anyday.
‡ Your stereotype jokes probably won't offend me, so don't be afraid to say them.
‡ I speak pretty good Latin, and some Spanish, along with a little French and Japanese.
‡ I love any form of body modification. But I don't like plastic surgery very much.
‡ I have a fear of seahorses, dogs noses, the feeling of my brain in my head, and heartbeats. They're pretty under control though.
‡ Little things make me happy...as long as there is thought and love put into it.
‡ I'm very non-judgemental but I'm very opinionated.
‡ And, if you're lucky, I may even kind of like you...but I doubt it.
‡ DonnieDarkosGF= AIM name (I'm never on)
‡ And I love my boyfriend Danny more than any other man in the universe...so step off!
‡ So, that's me...take it or leave it.
* I smoke...so fuck off!
* Lecture me about sex or drugs and you'll be really sorry.
* I will kick the shit out of you if you get me mad.
* You know those impulses you get to do things? I act on them.
* If I don't like you, you'll be the punchline of all my jokes until the end of time. Keep that in mind.
* I'm smarter than you are, so don't treat me like I'm stupid or you'll unleash a really bad side of me.
* I say a lot of politically incorrect things. Don't take it personally. If you are easily offended, don't even talk to me.
And I think the Suicide Girls are the most amazing people on earth...