art, teaching kids, acting, making jewelry, movies, books, singing, spirituality, peace, I love to sing out loud in the grocery store or Walmart & Walgreens
people truly joyous about life
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music is is a gift, it saves my life daily
Bell Witch;The Movie,When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seatle, You've Got Mail, Blade Runner, The Point, Yellow Submarine, or anything that Beyonce Knowles or Tom Cruise are NOT IN, oh except Risky Business and I would probably watch that again, but only for the train scene. Choo choo cha boogie
only stuff that makes me laugh, like Idol cast offs
Entering the Castle, Myss; The Secret, Kiss Me Like A Stranger by Gene Wilder, Grace Eventually by Anne LaMott, I Feel Bad about My Neck by Nora Ephron any of Augusten Burroughs books he cracks me up!
people who never grow up, kids of all ages, somebody needs to start listening to them and saving them from the adults